This is mostly ancient history... the gear is useless, but it is still in collections (Epic Equipment) and you can get some of it, so I'm talking about it.
There are two types of gear in the collection... armour and accessories. You used to be able to craft each piece from a corresponding base item of elven gear (also in collections) using a special crafting profession called black ice infusion (I think). When they changed crafting, you could still do that step by visiting the black ice forge in Caer Konig. There's an Upgrade tab and, if you have the base item, you can make the elemental version of it.
Up until a couple of days ago, I thought you couldn't get the elemental elven gear because the base items didn't drop any more. But, I was very surprised to get two accesories and one armour piece from Fangbreaker Island. I think the armour can come from other places too.
I took them all to the black ice forge and I can upgrade the elven armour into elemental elven armour. But I can't upgrade the accessories (necklace and ring). It doesn't show the option.
Does anyone remember if there was anything different about making the elemental elven accessories? Should I be able to do it?
Or maybe you never could make them and they dropped somewhere else?
Thanks for any advice...