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Bring back titles and achievements in each new mod

rockster#6227 rockster Member Posts: 1,860 Arc User
I got to thinking yesterday, I was running a character through the Throne of the Dwarven King questline (to unlock Mantol
Derith so I could complete the other questline I was doing) and as usual I made sure I got each and every title along the way. It made me realize that these days we have nothing and mods are just released with nothing special in them, bland, a while back each mod had imagination and fun included, if you look at the Cloaked Ascendancy and Dwarven King questlines there are a plethora of titles and achievements to gain, WTF happened to the game? It's so sad. What titles and achievements have we had embedded in the last few mods? Why don't the Devs think we deserve things like this anymore? It just makes the newer mods look bad in comparison, like far less effort and imagination has been put into them.

For an example, here are the titles available from the Dwarven King storyline alone.

This type of thing is what players love, where is the effort from the development team these days, titles don't cost anything to make other than some imagination and a tiny bit of coding. A Little bit of effort for a lot of payoff.
Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
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