Both Summer and Winter gift mechanics suffer from a major annoyance in that they are causing 1) lag and 2) drops to disappear. I kinda like the idea of "sprinkling" gifts but when it has this kind of serious drawback I'd much rather have the drops placed in my inventory instead (at least the "important" drops like Petals and Tickets).
The lag is one thing. It's super evident atm on the Midsummer map because I'm trying to buy Pinatas in bulk from remaining Petals. Usually you can spam-click them (why not have a bulk option here?) but on almost all maps I currently get "Waiting for previous purchase to finish. Please try again." and only every second to third transaction gets through. That's lag caused by Ticket-Balls. It's also so annoying to pick flowers that I've given up during rush hour times. I don't have the patience to swap instances every time either (which usually definitely helps).
But then there's drops disappearing. Not sure what logic is behind this, but you definitely cannot sahha more than 10 balls without losing drops. The game probably removes some if there are too much on the ground or sth. I mean all drops disappear after some time, but this is a deeper issue that *rarely* even removes *all* drops.
Again, I think a good solution is having a nice little animation that pretends to be dropping gifts or whatever on the ground, but all stuff goes directly into the inventory. Most people do this anyway in choosing spots where the drops cannot fly that far and most land on top of the players to get auto-looted.