Good morning, friends.
I have 4 characters to 30K+. 3 of them work just fine. My cleric, however, when I cast any of my at-will powers bound to left mouse and right mouse click, he will repeatedly spam those spells forever. I can cast any of my other assigned spells but it will go right back to the at-will spam afterwards.
In this spell spamming mode I am almost completely unable to move. I would be completely unable to follow my party in a dungeon.
- I am running no mods, addons, macros
- My account is old but I have only installed the game via Steam a couple months ago max
- My cleric is less than a month old
- I can stop the spam if I "change instance" from the map screen but it will continue when I cast an at-will again
I am completely stumped. I hope you can help.