I am going to go out on a limb here and take a wild guess.
You folks over at Cryptic et al, didn't look at the going rate in the Auction House before posting that in the Wondrous Bazaar did ya?

750,000/1,000,000 AD?
FYI, They have been running for less than 200K in the AH for a while now.
Best Regards
But it's probably just a typical oversight / low priority that shows how hard it is to properly maintain the game with the resources the devs have.
What they will pay attention will not be the price difference between AH and WB.
What they will pay attention will be the price difference between AH and Zen store. That affects Zen store sale which means money.
They priced the bag 1 million in WB serves 2 purposes:
1. AD sink
2. Make the price in Zen store looks good.
The bag pricing will be addressed for the next run of this offer.
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