I think the restriction in character races and characters slots at the beginning is unnecessary and bad marketing There should be a slot for each class . There's no reason to restrict them Character slots and races should be fundamentally free
Neverwinter need advantages to compete against other games If devs need more money , maybe should raise the prices on items or / bring new ones
Thank you for listening and understating
My current recommendation is to build an alt account army with two slots each. I ain't waiting forever to buy slots on accounts. You can very well run a Gold and Invoking farm on multiple accounts. As bonus I got 300+ free keys and 12M AD from the login compensation recently and looks like Jubilee will hand 30 days of VIP for accounts as well. You can then gradually shut down accounts as the ZEN comes in from the ZAX and you're able to buy slots, preferably during a 50% sale.
I think my ideal concept of monetization would be a sub (10$ per month) for VIP, ZEN for cosmetics, transmutes, fashion, illusions, etc. Gameplay and progression related stuff goes into the Bazaar.
If you want something faster, pay.
I have no problem to wait and I have tons of character slots. I also have no problem with Zax. Of course, I don't have a problem does not mean it is not a problem for others.
They never claim extra slots is free-to-play feature.