There is disconnect with the audio prompts in phase one for the mirrors as well as the voice over box will appear at a delayed time after the mirrors have already gone off. Is very inconsistent and unreliable.
Atropal push pull animation is desynced with the actual movement of the characters.
Was discovered players have the ability to reenter the arena if someone dies out in phase three and activates the door, before the remaining player/players return to the room below so long as group stands in circle on both sides of the door.
Halaster returns to the platform before he does the landing impact damage during phase three.
Weapon drops auto roll when picked up from floor and are unbound.
There are still many mechanics that will transfer over during teleport to phase three & six that will kill the group such as green lines, purple hands and deep claws.
Is it intentional for cubes to transfer into phase 6 if not killed?
Once the group reaches phase 6 of the trial, if they wipe, the teleport mechanic will no longer function correctly in subsequent attempts. The queue has to be disbanded and reformed.
Sometimes the obliteration wave is not destroying the artifacts even when the tanks are positioned directly on top of them when the obliteration wave goes off.
Halaster's magnetic collision debuff remains on players even after a wipe for the duration of the timer regardless of restart/campfire/defeat/dashboard.
During phase 5 and 7 the timing between Gzemnid's slam attack and the spawn of the deep claws is not consistent. Sometimes it is immediate, sometimes it is delayed.
Halaster is very difficult to target if dragon is showing behind him on XBOX. Encounters will all be greyed out unless you look straight up.
Thank you so much for all the details. The dev team will investigate these issues.
Some of them have already been fixed internally, and will hopefully be fixed on Live on Thursday.
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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Double hypos are not dealing double damage when stacked in trial during Gzemnid phases. Only the Halaster double hypos work properly and deal adequate damage when stacked.
There seems to be a disconnect with the hit box of the small fire beam in phase 6. It is rarely able to be immunity framed or cleared 100% when jumping. It’s very dicey.