So I'm trying to understand that Juma change and the more I think about the topic the more I feel like it doesn't make sense at all. Not for Valhennas, not for Menzo, not for the players that could benefit from the bags. Lose, lose, lose.
The Juma Bags are a catch-up mechanic for solo players to have a shot at a wide variety of Mount and Companions, even at some that are really useful to bis (when ranked up ofc). Valhennas as home for Juma was perfect because the campaign brought some distinct design advantages that made farming bags rewarding. You had five fairly quick, but in any case solo-able, weeklies to give you a decent amount of currency. Valhennas is a legacy campaign, meaning there will be the occasional double week. Plus in case a weekly load wasn't enough you could basically do Insurgencies indefinitely and by that assist newer players in their task of upgrading their Forger's Box. This made Valhennas one of my favorite areas in the game, because it managed to stay relevant for a wide variety of players. The only other campaign that's comparable is Dread Ring thanks to Enchanting Stones.
Now in comes the change and imho messes with a perfectly set up system (minus having to discard a billion vanity chickens). What's left of Valhennas? A campaign that you will complete and never see again, just like all the others. Even worse, newer players always had company when doing Insurgencies because veterans came back for Juma Bags. Obtaining and upgrading the Forger's Box has gotten a lot easier, but doing Insurgencies with very few low level players (which I assume will be the new normal now) is still a pain and might even put the Forger's Box out of reach for some. And that's a shame, because for the only viable alternative you have to run MTOS. Tough luck for all those beginner DPS.
Also Juma makes zero sense in a 55k+ area as catch-up mechanic. You already have to go deep into Companion and Mount (or Enchantment) upgrades to even be able to start the area. By the time you get there, the rewards from Juma won't make much of an impact any longer. That's why the mechanic was so perfect within a legacy campaign. Add the fact that the new currency is exponentially harder to get because the big money maker are no longer weeklies but HE's that you can't solo and nobody will be doing in a few months. And I certainly hope nobody is insane enough to grind repeatable quests for the bags.
So unless I'm missing something it renders the mechanic that filled a certain niche in the game completely useless. It's really a shame. I would prefer keeping Juma in Valhennas and maybe offer different bags in Menzo that fit the needs of higher item level players better. Like Companions and Mount tokens or Shards of Greater Empowerment. With low-ish drop rates of course, but since the campaign currency is better spend on Enchantments I doubt Juma will see much customers either way.
- this mechanic is still avaiable in difrent legacy zones, maybe with some diffrencies
- some gear are/were moved to camapgin related stores
- some other rewards were adjusted to more or less player benefit
- there are places with relevant grind, that woks same day from day one
there is no need for lore background for this specific NPC, and there are plenty made up cnadidates that can replace him in certain places; juma is nowhere close to sybella, dont try to put em in same category and repeat same mistakes
Used him for all my toons to get a bunch of companions and mounts I never would have gotten otherwise and some were even useful enough for me to eventually upgrade to mythic. Also, for the mounts it is kind of nice to have a variety of horses to choose from and all my toons were a bit lite on this type of stuff until after Juma.
Like Knox who is in quite a few places at once and no-one ever seems to have an issue with it, there is no reason Juma couldn't be in two areas at the same time, or they could have just reskinned him to make him a different colour and given him a new name with different goods. I suspect that some people in the company are too personally invested in the idea of 'freeing' him from his cage and would be resistant to putting him back again and they would see putting him back where he was as some kind of personal defeat because that would mean what they thought was their great shiny idea making them look good was actually a terrible one. But for the game and the players benefit, they should reconsider. Again, just my gut/intuitive feeling.
Barbarian, but for bosses i have to sprint for that one slash
guess its all come to how considerate for others current group is
And from a storytelling perspective, there is someone much much worse than Knox having the gift of ubiquity in PE.
As you can pretty much start any campaign independently from the others, I'm wondering how confused I would be about Makos if I was starting the post-tutorial today by doing Cloaked Ascendency/Chult first, then SKT, and continuing with Valenhas/Avernus. Makos wouldn't make any sense. Storytelling is sacrificed on the altar of allowing new players to catch up fast.
But hey, people don't care about storytelling in an action RPG, so no effort will be done...
So this Juma change has little to do with story telling and much to do with nerfing / and or another lack of big picture by the devs. I wouldn't be shocked if somebody just thought well maybe Juma makes more sense in the Northdark now because all the players are busy there without any clue about all the implications it causes. Probably giving the devs too little credit here, but the past has taught us to be skeptical.