I walked past the mount yard the other day and noticed how huge the Yeth Hound was, it looked really impressive. I decided to buy one based purely on the fact it was the size it was. So I got one from the AH and it wasn't that expensive, under 30k, but when I got on it it was tiny compared to the one in the stable. I put them side by side and you can see a vast difference, the one in the stable is huge and the one I'm on is much smaller. It's the same exact mount, only the size has changed. I'm guessing it's because this character is a dwarf and I made him as small as possible. So the mount is scaling to the 'appropriate' size for the rider. But that's not the look I was going for and I wanted the larger mount (I ended up using the Leg Adolescent Deep Crow because it's huge).
There's no reason not to just leave mounts the one size (or even have a tickbox to elect to disable size scaling), it's not like the hands ever look realistic when they 'hold' invisible reins anyway so it wouldn't matter if the mount was too large for the body. You buy a mount to ride on for the look of it and a huge part of that is how big or small it is. Cheers.
Apparently pointing-out the bleeding obvious is a 'personal attack'.
That's not to say that they always get it right. Take a female half-orc and place her on an Armored Bullette mount. Her lower canines will grow into foot-long chopsticks.
Children of the Fey (RELEASED) - NW-DKSSAPFPF
Buried Under Blacklake (WIP) - NW-DEDV2PAEP
The Redcap Rebels (WIP) - NW-DO23AFHFH
My Foundry playthrough channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/Ruskaga/featured
I just found one which does not scale, which is interesting because it shows that it's already happening in the game and possible. This character is almost exactly the same size as Regis is, so pretty tiny and as small as u can make a character in this game, so the mount would normally be a lot smaller than the original is, but when u go up to the chicken vendor (which is the same exact size as the mount) his mount is the same size as well, even though he's smaller. I tested it on a normal size character and it's the same size on both.