Instead of having to keep buying more bank slots it sure would be nice if the Developers would address how so many items that should stack dont. I have 3 brilliant diamonds in their own slot that could stack and quite a few other things, if this is done just to get players to buy more slots it's a little tacky to say the least. if its a bug please fix it.
2. People figure out how to address it in different creative way (or cheaper way) such as buying character slots.
3. Brilliant diamonds stacks. Yours do not stack probably because they are in different bound type: unbound, bound to character, bound to account.
If you are disciplined about your inventory management (= clean up frequently, ideally at least once per gaming session) and don't unecessary hoard anything and everything, then on an actively played toon (=/= mule) a full set of 36 slots bags +maybe (maybe) 20 more slots on character's personnal bank for longterm storage is enough.
Side note : seeing how much sublimation points we are showered with nowdays, and how all the prices of sublimation stones have droped on the AH (at least -50% compared to last year, -90% compared to mod16 when stack of 99 black opals was sold around 80k/90k AD), it wouldn't be a bad idea to get rid of BtA/BtC on these peridots, jadeites, saphirs, etc, and just let that unbound and stackable...
More, bigger bags for inventory helps, but as pointed out, things accumulate. Sell what you don't need for gold. Mulch gear for RP if you need it, feed it to the mimic if you don't. I tend to mulch bound RP daily on the character(s) I run. Unbound goes into the vault, to be used if/when someone needs it, or fed to the mimic when the stack is full.
Even if 2 of the stacks are unbound, they doesnt stack because they have different internal ID.
Some come from tarmalune trade bar, others from AH (maybe zen store) but is weird that we can have 5 or more slots for 1 item.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
I get a problem with overload enchantments with different amounts of remaining time. It's not the same problem, but they don't stack either. My problem is some interaction with loadouts where they get switched and sometimes it starts a new one instead of using an existing one. Grrrr, another slot gone.
Anyway, I have my own system to manage the hoard. No, I am not encouraging anyone doing this.
Interestingly enough to keep the VIP'ers happy and not kill the VIP cash cow, players found they could suddenly stack ID scrolls to 999 - go figure.
All this proved to me is things can be stacked and can be stacked to greater amounts than they are currently able IF the people in charge of the game deign to do so, but usually it more like "let them eat cake" when it comes to player/game quality of life changes like not having so many items "Bound to Character", being able to unbind any item with unbind tokens instead of just some items, being able to stack identical items or being able to stack items beyond 10-20-99, whatever.
We all know it CAN be done, as to why it isn't being done is a question we'll probably never have answered.
-this is just my personal opinion-
> Yes, scrolls of life and mass life do seem to be bad for this.
> I get a problem with overload enchantments with different amounts of remaining time. It's not the same problem, but they don't stack either. My problem is some interaction with loadouts where they get switched and sometimes it starts a new one instead of using an existing one. Grrrr, another slot gone.
The newer overloads do stack so long as they haven't been used. The older ones still don't stack.
By the way, stuff stack in bank as well as in inventory bag. There is no difference to me.
Things don't stack together because they are different on the backend of things. To us they all look alike, with maybe a different bind status.