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Official: M25 Rewards Feedback Thread

cryptic39#8917 cryptic39 Member, Cryptic Developer Posts: 90 Cryptic Developer
Hey everyone,

Thank you for taking part in the M25 Preview! If you’ve had a chance to look at the Menzoberranzan Campaign Store or the Collections, you may have noticed the new artifacts, weapons, armor, insignias, enchantments, and upgrades to the Dark Maiden gear. We’d like to discuss some of these items below, with the note that content on Preview is subject to change.

Artifacts being released with M25 and beyond are seeing an increase in Item Level, maxing out at 1500 Item Level. These artifacts require Enchanting Stones, Rank 6 to upgrade to Mythic. These artifacts can be found by taking part in various activities like completing the new campaign, or by defeating the latest Trial.

A mix of older and new powers are also available to earn, found within the Bregan D’aerthe Armory tab of the Campaign Store. There are a larger variety of powers available with this Armor Set, compared to the Dark Maiden set. We look forward to your detailed feedback about these gear powers, and potential builds or updates to your loadouts.

The Dark Maiden’s set earned from the Temple of the Spider (Master) can be upgraded to Mythic, boasting higher Item Level and increased bonuses.

New Insignias are also available. These new Insignias offer new possible stat combinations for those looking to maximize their character’s effectiveness, with more Insignia shapes coming in future campaigns.

New Enchantments, both Standard and Combat, are also available. These standard enchantments offer multiple stats, instead of just one, while the combat enchantments offer different capabilities for your character. With these new enchantments into the mix, you should have more control over your character’s stats.

We know that having enchantments that give two different stats won’t be as appealing as enchantments that focus on one stat unless we give them a little bit of extra stats. There are two ways that we can do that:

For reference, a single stat Enchantment grants: 1500 Item Level, +2250 Stat, +1350 Combined Rating.
  • Increase the Item Level of the Enchantment (Currently on Preview): The stats on the Item increases due to having the higher Item Level.
    • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment is 100 Item Level above a single enchantment at Mythic and grants +1200 Accuracy, +1200 Critical Severity, +1440 Combined Rating.
    • Keep the Enchantment Item Level the same, but the Enchantment grants more to individual stats. (This is the option we are moving forward with)
      • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment is the same Item Level as a single stat enchantment at Mythic and grants +1238 Accuracy, +1238 Critical Severity, +1350 Combined Rating.

      There are a lot of new items to earn in the Menzoberranzan Campaign, and we are looking for any feedback on any of it. From new gear powers such as Menacing Aura, an aura that reduces Enemy defensive stats, to the specific stat combinations on insignia and enchantments, let us know what ya think!

      Known Issues:
      • The magnitudes of the Lightning Flash and the Living Hex are incorrect.
      • The Menzoberranzan Campaign gear store currently displays gear unpurchasable by your class.
      • The Eye of Odran requires 2 Eye of Odran Artifacts equipped to activate its set bonus.
      • Various typos, miscellaneous text errors. (Please feel free to report them in this thread!)

    How You Can Help

    We appreciate any thoughts that you have on any piece of gear, gear power, enchantment stats, combat enchantment powers, overloads, insignias, or any other rewards that you might find deep in Menzoberranzan.

    Formatting Your Feedback and Bugs

    For posting feedback and bugs, please follow the following format to ensure your feedback and bugs are seen clearly and processed promptly, thank you!

    Type: Bug/Feedback (Please only choose one)

    If you are listing a bug please have this text in RED, if you are posting an opinion or feedback please use CYAN. If you are replying to another user's post, or just engaging in general discussion, please do not color your posts, general discussion is welcome and we will read all of it, regardless of color! You can use BBCode to color your text:

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    Bug: The Bregan D’aerthe Caster’s Crakows does not grant Critical Severity when Action Points are below 80%.

    Feedback: Reduce the Item Level of the dual stat enchantments!
Miku V.
Post edited by cryptic39#8917 on


  • arashi#3623 arashi Member Posts: 1 Arc User

    In regard to the new enchantments, I don't see a reason people won't use the dual stat enchantments. It's great for rebalancing stats for new or old players, especially with the rating changes that comes with swapping gear around. I can already see a couple ways for me to use the enchants for easy rebalancing between my loadouts (much like how I would with the mod 24 companion gear).

    That said, if I had to choose between the two options given, I would 100% choose the second one.
    "Keep the Enchantment Item Level the same, but the Enchantment grants more to individual stats."

    This means those who can cap their ratings with single stat enchants won't see a damage difference from losing 1000 item level against those capping ratings with all dual stat enchants. It would be a choice if gaining more stats to reallocate or not, which may or may not be needed depending on the person player.

    The issue with the first option is you are essentially restricting players to only choose dual stat enchantments. Regardless of whether you can cap stats both using single or dual stat enchants, dual stat enchants will ALWAYS be a damage increase due to item level. That's bad design. The second option keeps them balanced, as long as you can cap your stats.

    For example, personally, it would be great to use dual stat enchants to just get a bit more rating, that way I don't rely on the rating from Flask of Potency as much. Sometimes when I die it's difficult to rebuff that one, especially if I had to use a Stone of Health. But it would still be a choice, and I would be allowed to have my variety in enchants without regrets, using some single stat enchants as needed, as long as I cap my ratings regardless. And again, I would love to use dual stat enchants when swapping between different gear pieces, with how they like to give different stat ratings.
  • dracory1#6808 dracory1 Member Posts: 128 Arc User
    Feedback: Second option, definitely. It would be much better for people who already bounded their single stat enchants to account. Post above me explained everything well enough already.

  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User


    Ciao sono un giocatore end game su Playstation Tr 83k Dc heal 84k Gf tank 72k Op tank 74k Sw 73k ecc. ..Gioco dal 2016 su playstation a partire da agosto e su questo gioco ne ho viste di tutti i colori, come sempre, rendete tutto il nostro lavoro (Di Chi Non Spende Soldi Veri, Ma Di Chi Spende Tempo, Ore, Giorni, Settimane, Mesi, E Anni Di Gioco) di livellamento inutile...grazie ! Lo sviluppo di questo gioco è veramente fatto in modo da rendere il lavoro dei giocatori, che livellano il proprio personaggio giocando, spendendo ore della propria vita, una perdita di tempo...un gioco di ruolo dovrebbe poter mantenere le cose guadagnate, utili, non inutili...

    nel ruolo della mia vita,
    (se crescendo imparassi a guidare una moto, con il vostro metodo, a 30 anni e con tutta l'esperienza fatta, mi ritroverei a guidare una bicicletta, dovendo rilivellare tutto per poter guidare di nuovo la moto "assurdo")

    mentre voi, nerfate e cambiate tutto a vostro piacimento, senza tenere conto del duro lavoro, svolto negli anni dai giocatori, perchè parliamoci chiaro, in questo gioco, al momento, non c'è un tale guadagno da giustificare il costo speso per gli aggiornamenti che fate...tutto quanto costa mille milioni di diamanti astrali, e ne possiamo guadagnare solo centomila al giorno, veramente ridicolo...tutto ciò rende il tempo di livellamento lungo, faticoso, difficile estenuante e frustrante...a meno che non si spendano soldi veri per zen e da cambiare in diamanti astrali.

    IL gioco è talmente costoso, che ormai non prenderà mai più vita, come ai tempi delle mod 14 in giu...non ci sarà mai piu l'affluenza di giocatori che c'erano in passato... ed è chiaro come il sole, che voi puntate ai giocatori nuovi, ignari di come sia effettivamente il gioco, con la speranza, che i nuovi giocatori spendano soldi veri per livellare il personaggio, per poi in futuro, imparare che è solo una gran fregatura, poichè scoprirebbero, che dopo aver speso i loro soldi per livellare il loro personaggio, il loro investimento sarebbe buttato al vento con i vostri aggiornamenti...

    Potrei scrivere un libro su questo gioco con tutto quello che potrei dire e su come è stato sviluppato... a partire dai nerf, i guadagni incosistenti, le patch che non funzionano, i bug, i glitch, di come avete gestito il mega ban sulle 3 piattaforme pc, playstation e xbox in mod 14, rendendo di fatto il gioco morto o mezzo morto o l'inizio della fine, di come non ascoltate i suggerimenti della comunity degli end game player con più esperienza, i costi esorbitanti, (il pay to win/pay to play), esperienze di vecchi amici e, anche di gente sconosciuta, che hanno speso migliaia di soldi €/$, per vedere buttato via il loro investimento, sempre grazie ai vostri aggiornamenti...

    Oggi sono sopravvissuto a tutto questo, per amore verso il gioco, e odio da come è gestito da voi...non so se sopravviverò di nuovo a questo ennesimo rework, ma sinceramente...non meritate niente !

    The same tired old rant. To put your motorbike analogy into context. I don't drive the same car that I learnt to drive in. Technology has changed. There are better safety features now than there was when I was learning to drive, and in another 10-20 years, I will likely not be driving the same car I'm driving now. Actually, I'd hope to have an electric car within 5 years. The world changes. You don't have to learn how to ride your bike again. You just have to adapt to the new technology.

    Actually, the changes are more like years ago when my workplace went from a DOS based operating system to a Windows based operating system. That was a lot of fun. Half of the staff members were complaining, much like you are now, about having to learn EVERYTHING all over again, about the inconvenience, about how much time they had spent working there, only to have to learn something new.

    If you want a game that never changes, always stays the same, go play Monopoly.

    This is not another rework. This is another of the OLD usual. New mod, new content, NEW GEAR. With new gear, (and increased item level), it means that you will need rebalance your stats. This has always been the way. Without new, and better gear with each mod, why even bother playing the new content, why even bother getting the new gear?
    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
  • This content has been removed.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    edited February 2023

    To me this seems more like a curse than a bonus. Choose either to do dalies or to have stats? It also doesn't synergies with the fluidity of the combat mechanics. Instead of a bonus that situationaly gives the player some benefit, this feels like whatever you choose you lose. Lose stats, lose daily, lose a slot that could have used a better bonus...

    I can see the other way, while AP lower than X, have stats, both encourages to use dailies, and works with dailies like Wizard's Arcane Empowerment (no clue if it's still used) which encourages to time things into debuffs.
    So a player who times and uses their daily as they come or during debuff benefits more, encourages to pay attention to dailies and rewards player who pay attention to it.
  • micky1p00micky1p00 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 3,594 Arc User
    Copy from the other thread since it seems more appropriate here:

    "Decrease threat generated by -4%"

    Decrease by negative value ( -4% ) if to interpret directly is the same as increasing by 4%. Which I'm sure it isn't what it does.
    Removing the minus sign should make it less ambiguous.
  • krevgkrevg Member Posts: 98 Arc User
    Feedback: Multi-stat enchants are appreciated. However, the total number of stats, combined rating, and total IL should be consistent with the existing enchantments. A third option not proposed is to keep the IL and combined rating the same, and make the new enchants offer exactly half the number of stats of existing enchants in each of the two stat categories.

    If the only two options are the ones proposed currently, the second option (keeping the IL the same as existing enchants) is preferred.
  • Adding new enchants of the same rank as existing ones, but with a higher TIL and amount of stats is an imbalance and devaluation of existing enchants. The best option, as I see it, would be to add new enchants to the Sage's Store, make them equal to the single-stat enchants in terms of TIL and the amount of stats they grant, and (optionally) provide a way to upgrade all enchants (for instance, up to 1600 TIL and slightly increased amount of stats) for new campaign currency.
  • violencebf22violencebf22 Member Posts: 45 Arc User
    Once the developers have affected the changes in companions. Then some companions use their AoE skills around them while not in combat zone, as an example of Celeste that flash heals and deals damage. There are also some companions who have a special skill aka ultimate that simply don't work or are indistinguishable from their at-will skills such as Redeemed Fallen or Skyblazer, also Minsk buff A cute sense gives not 5% but 3%. please add aura Cuttently equipped Mystic Aura displayed in the character's buffs as well as the Runic Aura. As well as displaying the Raptor's Instinct in the buff panel from all members of the party as from a master craft weapon. Cursed Burn still doesn't work well with the Demogargon set.
  • modlesiemodlesie Member Posts: 248 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    Big NO for enchantmenst changes in this formula. Same item lvl for all or just give an option/ add new items for upgrade our 1500 IL enchantments to 1600 IL. Not gona make 2x (Tank and dps) 9 new enchantments from 0 I'd rather finish the game this, is ridiculous.
  • xen1912#3881 xen1912 Member Posts: 8 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    Any particular reason my comment got deleted? I wasn't being rude, no offensive words were used, wasn't being aggressive?

    Can I have it back? Don't wanna retype it.
    Post edited by xen1912#3881 on
  • sekosek#5740 sekosek Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    I strongly suggest that do not make the new enchantments different item level, keep them same as existing ones. And preferable don't even increase the combined rating on them. Just dividing stats is already a motivation to get them. Just like companion gears, there are 2 stat ones, 1 stat ones, but they give same amount of stats and item levels.
  • abbadonn#5192 abbadonn Member Posts: 19 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    Feedback: I have to agree with others in this chat. Bringing out new enchantments is great but making them higher item level than the existing ones is going to sow discord amongst the player base. Many of us have spent months farming the resources to upgrade our enchantments and it's going to be a kick in the face to bring out higher level enchantments at this stage of the game.
    As far as new artifacts are concerned, the tanks need more up to date artifacts that provide the Stamina Regeneration stat. Or we need an enchantment to replace the Elven Battle that was taken away with the enchantment changes. As it is, we have to suffer an item level loss to keep our Stamina Regen at a decent rate by using the level 600 artifacts that provide that stat.
    Also, I think you should have put the updated version of Temple of the Spider in the Advanced Dungeon Queue. The campaign requires you to be 50,00 item level and the dungeon is only 25,000. So you have players running the dungeon that can't even get the currency for the key to open the chest. And we definitely need more variety in the Advanced Dungeon queue. Adding Temple in there and bringing back IC would give us 6 dungeons instead of 4. Running those same 4 dungeons all the time gets pretty monotonous. Some more variety would be great.
    And how about some account wide insignias. Why don't you make them like the enchantments so you can trade them in for an account wide claim? And the same with the companions.
    Last but not least is the Battle Pass rewards. I don't know whose idea it was to hand out Astral Lockboxes for a Battle Pass reward but I personally think it's HAMSTER. Those are about as useless as the Steward's Incentive box from the Stronghold. Nobody wants to grind away at a Battle Pass just to get an Alexandrite. A Battle Pass should have unique rewards.
    I had some hope for improvements to the game when we got a new development team but it seems to me that you guys started drinking the Kool-Aid. Happy players spend money. They spend money on things they enjoy. When someone spends months and months working on their character and you guys come out with a mod that makes everything they've worked for redundant that's just like spitting in their face. This is why all the big guilds are falling apart one at a time.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited February 2023

    I strongly suggest that do not make the new enchantments different item level, keep them same as existing ones. And preferable don't even increase the combined rating on them. Just dividing stats is already a motivation to get them. Just like companion gears, there are 2 stat ones, 1 stat ones, but they give same amount of stats and item levels.

    Yea several have commented about "Enchantments" in the M25 General Feedback Thread as well, probably even more so there than here... ...vast majority saying keep same item-level, so as not to devalue existing enchantments.

    Post edited by strathkin on
  • zaxturi#8203 zaxturi Member Posts: 11 Arc User
    So first up who is this new trial artifact set made for? The artifacts effect itself is fine imo but the set bonus is not very good.
    For a dps player its useless execpt the 2 to every attribute but still not worth using by any means. Every good dps is capping all of the stats it gives for maximum of half the time.
    For a tank it could be useful if you dont need to worry about survivability just to help with keeping aggro but we just had 2 tank sets in a row so why would we get a third one in a row?
    For healers it might be decent if you replace combat advantage with something more useful for their role, especially on a class that can get action points quickly. Still not sure if it would be worth using if it wasnt for the increased item level.

    Also the rings that drop from the trial should be sellable just like tomm rings. That would increase interest in the trial immensly if there is ad to be made for completing it.
  • manuostarmanuostar Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Hello! New enchantsments with 1600 TIL is a terrible idea. Year ago, you make new enchantsment system. It was good, we exchanged the old one and upgrade new. Many players make new enchantsment bound to account, because we think that this was the final version of enchantsments reworking. Right now on Preview Server you add new enchantsments with high TIL. It's made old 1500 TIL enchantsments useless. All resources, time and money wasted for nothing. We even can't exchange the old one, because they bound. Please, remove it! Thanks.
  • manuostarmanuostar Member Posts: 3 Arc User
    Hello! New enchantsments with 1600 TIL is a terrible idea. Year ago, you make new enchantsment system. It was good, we exchanged the old one and upgrade new. Many players make new enchantsment bound to account, because we think that this was the final version of enchantsments reworking. Right now on Preview Server you add new enchantsments with high TIL. It's made old 1500 TIL enchantsments useless. All resources, time and money wasted for nothing. We even can't exchange the old one, because they bound. Please, remove it! Thanks.
  • strathkinstrathkin Member Posts: 1,798 Arc User
    edited February 2023

    Hey everyone,

    Thank you for taking part in the M25 Preview!


    We know that having enchantments that give two different stats won’t be as appealing as enchantments that focus on one stat unless we give them a little bit of extra stats. There are two ways that we can do that:

    For reference, a single stat Enchantment grants: 1500 Item Level, +2250 Stat, +1350 Combined Rating.

    • Increase the Item Level of the Enchantment (Currently on Preview): The stats on the Item increases due to having the higher Item Level.
      • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment is 100 Item Level above a single enchantment at Mythic and grants +1200 Accuracy, +1200 Critical Severity, +1440 Combined Rating.
      • Keep the Enchantment Item Level the same, but the Enchantment grants more to individual stats.
        • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment is the same Item Level as a single stat enchantment at Mythic and grants +1238 Accuracy, +1238 Critical Severity, +1350 Combined Rating.
    Well this is not a reply to the person quoted, yet is to the person (above) my reply:

    They aren't offering anything for old 'Enchantments' because they are still usable.

    Also note the choice they are asking, yet given vast majority of feedback in M25 General Feedback Thread, I'd say it's the 2nd choice to keep the same Item-Level.

    My reply to @cryptic39#8917 is this:

    --- ♫♪♫♪♪ --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    I'd say the more focused enchantments, may be still be desirable yet put them in a 2nd class option, so I don't think they will be the first choice (most) of the time, as I spoke to the person above.

    Still I'm a bit concerned increasing the buff slightly more than +1200 should not occur, or the +1238 as it is proposed is even higher! If existing 1500 Item-Level Enchantments offer (+2250) which if you divide by 2 is (+1125), so if they wanted a slight increase I'd think it should be closer to +1150-1199 at most.

    My guess the reason they pushing for the +buff more which is actually +113 higher than it should be. Is to account for the reduced +combined rating, yet it also artificially gives it a hidden boost. So more doing the new trial want to be using or encouraged to be using, at least some of the new enchantments. Yet this also makes it more desirable in scaled content as well.

    * sigh *

    Note: Even if they later introduce Enchantment, split between 3 offerings, it should also divide +2400 /3 or +800 each at very most.
    ╘ To account for slight reduction, can slightly boost item-level in Character Gear, or Companion Gear. :+1:

    Just my thoughts... I'd rather have a proper, 1525, or 1550 New Dual Enchantment; 1600 Item-Level too much. :/
    Post edited by strathkin on
  • punchingdragonspunchingdragons Member Posts: 18 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    I understand that you have to make changes to the game, but I feel that you are alienating a lot of loyal players who have invested a lot of time and effort into it. My friends and I spent countless hours hunting in Avernus, and we earned our motes fair and square. It was not easy, but it was rewarding, and it helped us reach end game.

    However, not everyone can afford to buy 36 CMs and other items to upgrade their enchants to mythic, so I urge you to provide other ways for players to earn their gear through hard work, like the hunt system in Avernus.

    I don’t mind spending some money on the game occasionally, but it becomes too much when you keep changing the enchanting system and making us start over. It feels like you are favoring the players who can pay their way to the top, and neglecting the ones who want to play for fun and challenge.

    I think Aragon’s idea of creating an exchange for enchants is a good one, as it would allow us to use our existing enchants instead of grinding new ones. I also don’t mind upgrading the weapon enchants, as that seems more reasonable.

    Right now, many of us feel the game is going pure pay to play, and that's not good for any game. There needs to be a balance, otherwise the guilds will completely shrink and die off. Keep it balanced, take your profits but also consider those who don't have big income streams. They need to prep long in advance to maintain their characters vs last minute surprises with hey, you need $350 dollars to get to min / max again.

    You might want to unban every player who was ever banned, since that might bring back a larger base, with some exceptions of course.

    I hope you will listen to our feedback and make the game more balanced and enjoyable for everyone. Thank you.
    Post edited by punchingdragons on
  • jojobobo#4709 jojobobo Member Posts: 1 New User
    I would like to say I am very AGAINST the latest dual stat enchantment change of keeping it's item level the same as single stat enchantments while slightly increasing dual stat enchantment ratings.

    Ratings are very easily capped and it would make this current iteration of dual stat enchants completely useless. In this state, dual stat enchants will be utterly skipped over by everyone but the 0.00001%. Hint to devs: Less revenue means less of the pie for your pay increments.

    To those complaining about the first iteration of the dual stat enchants, I say this to you: Stop being so self entitled and expect everything to be handed to you for free and being jealous of people who can afford it. If you arent willing to PAY or GRIND for it, why should you be on par with people who are willing to do one or both of those things? People like you are the epitome of crabs in a bucket. Perhaps you will be better off playing an easier game with things handed to you for free, there are many out there, I highly recommend moving there for your own sanity, and my own.
  • thx87thx87 Member Posts: 9 Arc User
    Right now the game needs stability and focus on new/challenging Content more than ever.

    Luckily Cryptic product managers choose same IL - more stat dual enchants where they are going somehow back to old enchantment types, eventually opening the possibility to introduce 3 stat/4 stat enchants in the upcoming mods possibly easier.

    Regarding IL progression, devs can add new enchantment slots/tier any time for revenue in the upcoming mods, so there's that. Many other ways to increase revenue, and they need to feed their family as well.

    I don't think anybody is fearing progress. But major changes destabilizing existing structures frequently can hit back faster than ever.

    Good stuff.

    (Not part of 1%)
  • abbadonn#5192 abbadonn Member Posts: 19 Arc User

    I would like to say I am very AGAINST the latest dual stat enchantment change of keeping it's item level the same as single stat enchantments while slightly increasing dual stat enchantment ratings.

    Ratings are very easily capped and it would make this current iteration of dual stat enchants completely useless. In this state, dual stat enchants will be utterly skipped over by everyone but the 0.00001%. Hint to devs: Less revenue means less of the pie for your pay increments.

    To those complaining about the first iteration of the dual stat enchants, I say this to you: Stop being so self entitled and expect everything to be handed to you for free and being jealous of people who can afford it. If you arent willing to PAY or GRIND for it, why should you be on par with people who are willing to do one or both of those things? People like you are the epitome of crabs in a bucket. Perhaps you will be better off playing an easier game with things handed to you for free, there are many out there, I highly recommend moving there for your own sanity, and my own.

    I don't believe it has anything to do with feeling self entitled or wanting hand outs. Those of us that have both PAID and GRINDED for our enchantments don't want those enchantments to become obsolete. I personally like to have options. Even though I have a full set of account wide single stat enchantments doesn't mean I won't use any of the new ones. I just don't want all the ones I currently have to become useless in terms of "being on par" with end game level. And trust me, no one is jealous of you. You're an elitist tool. It's "people like YOU that are the epitome of crabs in a bucket".
  • sekosek#5740 sekosek Member Posts: 120 Arc User
    The new upgraded Dark Maiden set bonuses don't seem balanced in my opinion. For example, ap gain on helmet goes from 1% to 3%, its an 200% increase. But armor damage bonus goes from 5% to 6%, its an 20% increase. I would prefer a same amount of, or atleast close to be inline increase on the bonuses.
  • rikitakirikitaki Member Posts: 926 Arc User

    Hey everyone,

    Thank you all for your thoughts regarding the new Enchantments from Menzoberranzan. In a future Preview build, you will notice that the Item Level of the Enchantments have been reduced and match the following option presented in the initial post

    • Keep the Enchantment Item Level the same, but the Enchantment grants more to individual stats.
      • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment is the same Item Level as a single stat enchantment at Mythic and grants +1238 Accuracy, +1238 Critical Severity, +1350 Combined Rating.
      There are other bug fixes and other adjustments as well coming to the items found in the Menzoberranzan collection, so keep an eye out for those as well.
    I think this is way more ridiculous than the original IL increase. It still ensures that the new enchantments have upper hand over the old ones (in all content this time, originally it was only for the newest, uncapped content), while fracturing the rules of IL/combined rating even more.

    As for the combined rating, enchantment rework has made a joke out of any rules already. It is not desirable to make the mess even worse.
  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,524 Arc User
    edited February 2023
    rikitaki said:

    Hey everyone,

    Thank you all for your thoughts regarding the new Enchantments from Menzoberranzan. In a future Preview build, you will notice that the Item Level of the Enchantments have been reduced and match the following option presented in the initial post

    • Keep the Enchantment Item Level the same, but the Enchantment grants more to individual stats.
      • The Mythic Aquamarine Enchantment is the same Item Level as a single stat enchantment at Mythic and grants +1238 Accuracy, +1238 Critical Severity, +1350 Combined Rating.
      There are other bug fixes and other adjustments as well coming to the items found in the Menzoberranzan collection, so keep an eye out for those as well.
    I think this is way more ridiculous than the original IL increase. It still ensures that the new enchantments have upper hand over the old ones (in all content this time, originally it was only for the newest, uncapped content), while fracturing the rules of IL/combined rating even more.

    As for the combined rating, enchantment rework has made a joke out of any rules already. It is not desirable to make the mess even worse.
    Yes, I agree this is totally WORSE than the item level increased before.
    Stat increase is worth more than item level increase.
    Only stat increase without increasing the corresponding item level is GOLD. It is BiS. This new double enchantment change makes it even more better than the previous proposed change. This decreases the value of single stat enchantment even more than previous proposal.
    As mentioned, it also breaks the item level calculation formula.

    To make it right, it should be:
    1125 + 1125 + 1350 combined rating (the most logical choice) or something like
    1260 + 1260 + 1332 combined rating

    1238 + 1238 + 1350 combined rating should have 1515 item level.
    Post edited by plasticbat on
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
    "If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
  • mparcher#3106 mparcher Member Posts: 195 Arc User
    Everything about this decision to reverse course seems so wrong. The opinion of a few outweighs the good of the whole. Most of the loud complainers were heard and not the silent majority to include new players. Maybe you all should look at some of these "opinions" and reconsider the decision to move backwards instead of forward.
  • liadan1984#8734 liadan1984 Member Posts: 315 Arc User
    Gear from Undermountain is dropping in Heroic Encounters. Usually this wouldn't bother me, I'd just turn this into RP or sell for gold. However, we now have the unrestored "ruined apprentice" gear, which has no RP or gold value.

    Please remove this gear from the loot table outside of Undermountain.
    Co-Guild Leader
    Ghost Templars L20
    Alliance: Tyrs Paladium
    Main: Cleric (Heals|DPS)
    Alt: Warlock
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