Oh my word.
Sorry but it isnt fun looking for some of the various MOBS to kill for some of the quests.
I spent literally 15 mins trying to find those Arachnomancers!!
Driders too are in WAY too short supply.
And as to the Corrupted Priests, I think I found and killed 3 in 10 minutes running around.
It does help if you move to a low-pop instance, but even then theres only 2 [I think?] Driders with a respawn time of 4 mins each.
Come on add a few more of these mobs please!
There are 3 Driders in the area and many do not need to run that anymore. That should not be difficult. One in front of the door. One in the valley. One is a mini-boss.
For Arachnomancer, you need to kill mobs so that they can re-spawn the mob that has Arachnomancers. The HE usually has 2 Arachnomancers in it.
For Corrupted Priests, it is similar to Arachnomancer except there are more. What is classified as Priest comes with different form and name.
And also thanks to the other posters for their suggestions and help.
But still I think I timed how long to run something like 4 of these type of quests on one toon and it took the best part of an hour. And thats a very tedious hour at best!
I stick by my original post
The myconid HE has tons of them but is also a colossal pain to solo.
While the Myconid Priests quest is annoying, I found it far far easier than Driders or Arachnomancers.
The route to the depths usually has at least 2 groups that has Priests. The route to the upper level camp usually has 2 groups that has Priests. The gap next to a small HE has one group that has Priest. The path to the dark has another 2 groups.
I never need to do all these 3 more than half an hour in total and I needed to do these for 9 toons. I typically finish that 100 weekly campaign cap in an hour per toon + extra unused regular quest completion left over reserve to use for the week after
If I happened to do train, there would not be much extra time needed to complete these 3 (actually, most regular quest too).