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First tasks to help players on Beta.

silverwolf#7884 silverwolf Member Posts: 187 Arc User
To help get players to the point where they're able to test new gear and new dungeons/mechanics etc there's a few things that I see we could do with. The list is by no means exhaustive and I'm sure other players will have their own ideas that I've missed:

1 - Importing our own toons.

As Cryptic have our gamertags on the Crpytic account servers, it should be possible to perform a targetted DB query against the live server to obtain the list of characters that a player has and import that result into the previer DB. I appreciate that you would be moving cross-environment which would present it's own security and protection issues but still something that can be achieved. Given that there's a finite list of users on Xbox preview, a one-off action could be taken to perform the query and copy those toons to the preview shard as a tactical solution until you can add a strategic solution to this issue.

2 - At this time, unlike the PC Preview shard, we're unable to buy gear from mods.

We can't buy any mod gear meaning that we can't test these. This means that should we require a gear from the game in it's current form, we would need to farm dragons, heroics etc; there's not the players base on Xbox preview at this time to make that feasible. Suggested action is either allow players to buy gear for gold (like PC preview) or solving issue 1 (Importing the player's live toons).

3 - Chat window is very narrow and somewhat unusable.

When a new mod drops on preview, it would be difficult to find people to make a group as the chat box is far too narrow to be able to read anything. Presently this is not a major issue but will gain some urgency once a new mod is available for testing.

4 - Guild Boons.

To allow players to test gear and builds and give them the best chance in new mods, we could do with guild boons. It's somewhat unreasonable to expect players to create and rank up a new guild on the preview server.
Give the player a "generic" level 20 guild with the most popular boons or the ability to buy all the currency for gold so that the player can create their own guild and level it up themselves.
Set the minimum number of players needed to create a guild to 1 on Xbox Preview and make available, for gold, all the currency required to build and upgrade guild structures would be the easiest resolution, I suspect.

I know that Xbox preview has just been released and is very much in its infancy in terms of a product and that you no-doubt have your own list of features to deliver; hopefully the ones listed will gain some priority to enable us to test new features/changes/mods when released.



  • cottonmouth12ncottonmouth12n Member Posts: 13 Arc User
    I’m going to take a gander and assume you haven’t looked through all of the premade characters yet. There are more then enough materials on the premade characters you can import to fully gear out in dragon gear, seals gear, etc.

    We are definitely missing the PC preview market tabs where they can buy various items for a few copper each. Hopefully that gets added as we are definitely too low on numbers right now to try farming for specific drops from demo etc..

    As for the guild boons. PC had to build guilds to get the boons. No different than us, so those will come in time. There are a few guilds powering through upgrades now. It would be nice to have a rank 20 maxed guild to start out with but there are logistics that come with that and you won’t be able to please ever. Who gets assigned leadership of it etc.

    Right now I think the biggest issue everyone has is not being able to import our own characters. Xbox servers are managed by Microsoft, so it’s not as simple as we’d like it to be to import characters yet. Hopefully that is getting sorted out.
    If the import function of characters gets implemented I think more people will request access to the preview server or at least be active.

    I’ve wanted to start my own guild since I gained access and at most I’ve seen 3 other people on at one time in PE. With the broken chat windows on premade I doubt anyone even sees call outs currently unless you make a new character.
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