Hello there!
I would like to report a bug that happens to me on the wizard. I've tried talking to friends who play the wizard as well but apparently they don't have this problem.
I apologize for my english!I'll explain my problem: often the skills that I put on the TAB are bugged, giving me an "infinite" recharge of the skill.
I don't know what caused it since it doesn't always happen the same way. Sometimes it happens right after I switch builds other times while I'm in combat. Initially it gives me the available skill, as soon as I click the TAB it doesn't start and it gives me a 4-5 second recharge. It doesn't even let me switch skills, dying and returning to fire doesn't work either, the only way to fix it is to relogin.
A few weeks ago I logged a couple of occasions where this bug happened to me. But it keeps happening and during a fight like a mtos it's a real problem.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=8DZ9RnZKcuEThis happened to me at Castle Never. During the second boss (unfortunately I wasn't able to record it before) and it lasted until I reloged. I didn't change build here, it was the same one I used during the boss.
https://youtube.com/watch?v=UviXMI3JuqUThis other one happened to mtos instead. We had just defeated the first boss and I had switched builds to use the wizard in AoE.
While we were doing the first group after the first boss, the TAB got buggy. As you can see the video, even if cut, even dying and returning to the fire did not solve anything. As always the only way was to relogin.
In the first video I used Icy Ray as a skill on the TAB, in the second video instead Ice Strike. Is it possible to fix this?Does it happen to you? I'm freaking out because I don't understand what's causing it.