Hey everyone, I was just pondered, looking at the Rothe Valley stuff, that someday they could add those DragonBone Weapons to the battlepass - I mean they have some interesting stuff - Like the DragonBlade arti set - right? So could it be that someday we could get Battlepass rewards like the Durgan Weapons?! This sounds super interesting - what do you think?
In game you already receiving decent gear, both weapon, armour and etc. No need starting add weapons in zen stores.
Also if that weapon would get in store or battle pass, this alos render trial crown of keldegonn as nonsese.
You want get that weapon set, you have go and do that trial.
Also it's rather amusing to hear that player want to add one of great weapon sets in battle pass which you buy via ZEN.
I used to read and hear tons of complains that east(asian) mmo's are pay2win. But even there, developers don't make thing. Putting gear parts behind wallet, thats obvious pay2win element. Not a payment for shortcut, but obvious pay2win.
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.