It was an absurd situation. I recently returned after almost 9 months of absence, updated my Character. While they were doing the group choosing a DPS I hear:
"There is the object" Band of Air "it is strong, there is not it is weak!"
Intrigued, I look at his stat.

In fact, this Character had it and did a lot of damage, more than me despite being 72K well equipped specifically for dragons but without the "Band of Air"
The thing is absurd, if you have the "Band of Air" you do a lot of damage, without doing little damage, in short, it doesn't matter to do quests or events, spend time and AD to equip, you do the "air band" then you are strong rest is ... useless.
I was really disappointed, no matter if you are good or even a genius and you build a wonderful Character .. the important thing is the ring, the player is not important.
Not only that, but the thing is worse. "air band" is not an object that you build yourself by doing several passes, here you just have to do VOS-HC and MAYBE you could receive the reagents, like the national lotteries.
Summing up in Neverwinter you are strong if you are lucky, skill or intelligence does not matter, I understand why people leave after a while.
By playing in this way, only the feeling of disappointment or frustration remains, hope is not cultivated.
There was an announcement some time ago that they are going to nerf the ring though. Interestingly however the announced change might worsen the class discrepancies, but maybe there will be competing options to replace it on classes that are not able to generate enough procs.
Then the next OP thing will come around, get people farming for months and so on.
pity this setting is wonderful, there is a huge amount of items, and an interesting game system but then the setting becomes flat, 99% of the items are useless, the game system is useless just the ring.
I am 100% positive that if you would have Band of Air ring, you would happily stay silent. And if anyone would bring complain or request to remove this ring, you would be angry about that.
The band of air need not to be removed, but fix it's glitch. The glitch is that ring proc from any hit, that's including DoT's, feats, artefact sets, artefact, Enchantments, either combat or Overlord ( dragon glyph/frosted). And actualy ring can proc from his own hit.
Dev team already spoke about plans to nerf it, so only matter of time when ring get adjusted.
Other thing, this ring OP'nes is exaggerated.
First of all, the performance of ring will difference depending on class/paragon path. Rogues are best to take advanage of this ring, while in other hand FIghter and cleric less. All is due attack rates. How offten you can hit and proc ring.
Now also I want to give you one other storry.
Few days ago with pugs I got in LoMM, there where Wiz Arcanist, 70k IL + BoA, Barbie 71k IL + BoA. and my Warlock no BoA somewhere 62k IL.
In the end, I was on top by dealt dmg, the second place where for wiz, and gap between me and him where roughly 8~9 mil in paingiving.
Also couple days ago I went to Ancient dragon hunt, with T3 mods. My 62kIL warlock without BoA where only by 7mil from rogue with BoA and 70k IL.
This gap is not big, considering IL gap and that I have no BoA. And also need to tell that during that dragon hunt where other warlock with BoA ring. He was behing me in term of dealt dmg.
So IL do not represent your performance, and while BoA is great in Single target fights, it's not game breaking.. Cuz in the end, your party defeated ancient dragon and claimed reward..
“The masses have never thirsted after truth. Whoever can supply them with illusions is easily their master; whoever attempts to destroy their illusions is always their victim.
Gustave Le Bon.
Band of Air means 2-3 more invisible dps on trials. Invisible dps that do not die, do not need healing, do not mess up mechanics for the raid.
If this is not gamebreaking, having 13 men trials with immortal dps in it, then nothing is gamebreaking.
1. It is in its league on its own (20%+ added damage on the log)
2. It is in its league on its own (causes large magnitude damage, therefore it greatly helps to trigger and maintain stacks on end-game gear)
3. Its performance is dependent on a class
The solution to those problems definitely does not lie in eliminating procs from procs. That would not fix anything. Such approach sounds similar to "The house is burning, so I made a coffee."
What it needs is a drop in magnitude and moving from low proc chance with short ICD to high proc chance with long ICD.
And to the future, it would be nice to avoid bite and switch strategies. It is not like devs left this disaster in the game not knowing how bad idea it is.
Yes, band of air is helpful in inflicting damage, but you still need to know how to play to deal this damage.
The band of air itself, what I always say -not playing alone.
Today doing random queues on a 35k wizard I was first in the table, despite the fact that the other two dps had well over 50k. I didn't used band of air.... And what, in your opinion, was the reason for their underperforming?
You have learned to blame the poor ring to hide your own indolence. Hate it.
If someone is crappy and can't get the band of air (and it's nothing difficult) then immediately calls for a nerf.
The principle: I don't have it, so let it be unusable to others either.
Yes, the process of farming a band of air is painful, but not impossible. Since I did it on two accounts, including a new one in 2 weeks, it means that it is possible.
1.Do you know what Scaled means? If -yes, why did you post the example?
2.Do you know the difference between direct damage and bonus to damage?
-This ring in fact it does play itself.-
3.There are plenty of players that have no death runs on master trials and no Band of air.
You labeled them as- crappy.
4.Between 50 hc Vos runs and 1000 hc Vos runs there is no difference in skill. Just luck.
And if you want to be more disgusted in all caps, you might want to ask around about the 4 major exploits in hc Vos.
I remind you that THE RING has already been nerf once because it killed all the bos in 2 sec.
I inform you that I have the ring and for this I can say that both the damage it does and above all the way to obtain it is an injustice.
the real problem is that new players are running away when they get to do VOS-HC.
it is absolutely necessary to rebalance the classes and above all to make the game enjoyable.
All items are garbage in front of the Band of Air.
Secondly, the class differences are absurd. If you design an obvious BIS item it shouldn't also fiddle with inter-class balancing. If anything, you make it harder for yourself to balance the actual classes because you also have to account for the effect that BoA has on the class. BoA isn't the only example of these type of balancing issues, but it's by far the most prominent one.
- I like a lot the concept behind Band of air and ring of darkness: Thematic items, very powerfull, behind hard content makes you feel good when you get them, and your character improves a lot.
- We should have more of this in other content of the game, for example in hardcore versions or versions with modifiers like RC has, that make the content more difficult.
- Not only RAW power items, like BoA, items that enable new builds, for example an item with 25% recharge speed, or an item that gives you more damage every time you heal, or an item that gives you an aura of speed every time you are lower than 50% hp, imagination and variety.
- Not all items should be universall for all classes, some could be good for only 1 class or role.
- This item reagents should be BoE so people that have bad luck can buy them from AH but still has to be able to finish the hard content to craft them. Also, people could run this content to farm AD. Now people that have the rings, wont go HC vos anymore. This is against content replayability.
That being said, I agree that BoA is overpowerd because the bugs with procs, but that will be fixed. It doesnt matter if one item is more powerfull for one class, if you have alternatives in other items. The problem is that now we dont have alternatives, all dps classes use the same items in all the slots.
Also classes should be balanced and now they arent, so an item like this can make the gap greater.
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor
On this forum are threads that asked for lionheart nerfs.
The reasoning was at that time that nobody should have such an overpowered set, that dropped only from tomm.
That overpowered meant circa 6 percent dmg increase and after adding the other dmg bonuses- not even that.
On 2 items.
And the set got nerfed.
Somehow 20 to 30 percent direct dmg from 1 ring is normal.
Players that made the first guides on trials and dungeons would not be invited to run them. Because they do not have the ring.
What I think to be the problem is people still complaining because they dont have it. For them it's not fair, etc.
But bruh nothing is realy fair. People that got the ring work hard to get it, some even do VoS HC for 3 month straight or more. So yeah the 20-30% damage is not easy to get either.
Ok, maybe next when Band of Air got nerfed people that do end game Trials, like CoK will require the dps participant to have the +10% againts undead and +10% againts Dragon as a requirement - and you know what, there will be some people that complaining too about that - just because they dont have it yet, never try to get it or give up or too lazy.
I know some people often mention BoA as requirement to do some content on LFG, and I know some too that prefer, for example a range dps only, a paladin tank only, a cleric healer only and so on when LFG. And refusing other class for the same role. I personally dislike elitism like that, but hey, its their right.
And Im sure dev knows that if they just accept this ridiculous demands to just "delete" the ring because its not "fair," the game will take a big hit - since many people invest their time to get the ring.
Dont get me wrong, I agree the ring damage is ridiculous right now, because the source of procs not only from player power, but can procs from mount equip and overload. We need balance, not just for the ring, but the class too if we want to reduce the divide on player base. Its the same with mirage at the first when combat rework implemented on the game, the damage is ridiculous.
...and I started to complain as a tank. (which is a role that suffers under the "new", completely unsustainable combat rework the most, therefore feels all issues before others)
My complain really is not "I do not have it", but "there should not be such item".
And there is even freaking life-cycle to it! Devs repeatedly release stuff with imbalanced properties, wait for people to grid their HAMSTER off - and then nerf the item into oblivion claiming "there should not be a set providing 10%+ damage increase". A well established routine: break the game, wait for a few mods, notice it, patch it - and bring another thing that causes literally the same issues.
(+10% against undead and other stuff is an additive bonus, which, especially in end-game, translates for most classes closer to 5% dps increase - and is case specific, not universal)
And even if I look away from how disastrous the state of the game is: To any item released, there should be alternatives (even if slightly inferior), or at the bare minimum an open market.
it is true that if you don't have the + 10% ring on dragons you don't do CoK Master and that's right.
it is true that BoA is + 50% on everyone everywhere, this is wrong.