This problem only occurs on my Paladin tank. When I die, I am able to use my Scrolls of Mass Life to resurrect myself UNLESS I was guarding when I died. As everyone knows, the guard feature doesn't allow the paladin to use at-wills, encounters, potions, etc... while guarding. That's fine. When I die while guarding however, the game still thinks that I am guarding, even though I am dead. Because of this, it will not let me use my scrolls of mass life to revive myself. I have over 400 scrolls on me, and they work fine if I die while not guarding. I was wondering if this was a problem with just my paladin tank, or all paladins, and if it's all paladins, could this be changed? When we go down the block/guard effect should no longer prohibit us from utilizing scrolls of life.