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Hints, please!

peppa#4404 peppa Member Posts: 49 Arc User
There are a lot of things about and in the game that completely lack any instruction at all that need at least some minor hints. Examples are the dungeon ques such as Lair of the Mad Mage. There are way too many people that don't have a clue what they're supposed to do to get through it and there is absolutely zero guidance. The lack of instruction for these things isn't fun or entertaining it's annoying and irritating. Only few players have the mechanics for some queues figured out correctly. I've seen fellow players try to help others get through queues that have given inaccurate instruction because they don't really know either; because there's no instruction available at all for anyone in the game it self. We have to dig through a ton of irrelevant search engine results to find dungeon mechanics guides and even then we can't guarantee they're up-to-date and accurate because they were posted 5 years ago by a community member who no longer plays.

Another example is the Weekly Legacy Campaigns we get from Sybella. One of this week's tasks is to do 5 of the Storm Kings quests.
And that's all it says.

New players like myself have absolutely no clue where they're even supposed to go to acquire Storm Kings quests. I got as far as getting through the navigation maze the journal is (the campaigns tab gives no indication it's a link) and finding the Storm kings campaign however when opening the campaign page is says zero, absolutely nothing, about where the campaign quests are. If I hadn't already roamed (for no reason) to Caer-Konig I'd have no clue where I had to go to even accept quests that might count toward Sybella's weekly quest tasks. The only reason I figured that out is because the Storm Kings campaign page has Arcane Brotherhood listed at the top of it, for whatever reason it's there which I also don't know or have a clue why it's even listed there. If that wasn't there on that page I'd still be completely lost.

Then when I got to Caer-Konig and grabbed all the quests I could find none of them were legacy quests that counted toward weekly.

This maze needs some hints, at least, that at minimum tell us what region and zone to go to and what NPC to talk to. What quests, exactly, are Legacy quests being listed would be of great help.

Hints in the game, just a wee bit of guidance for everything, please!

Right. We have the quest path. The quest path isn't active for Campaigns. It doesn't guide us to where we have to go to start campaigns and it doesn't tell us things like the Skull in LoMM has consequences if it's not attacked from combat advantage.

I understand and enjoy the challenge of having to figure things out (some times). But the way this is and the way the majority players insist on rushing through everything, completing tasks as fast as possible (I don't agree with this it's not the way I personally play but it is common among most players to play that way), hints and guides and instructions being in the game it self would retain a lot of players and keep them playing longer.

I have unfortunately experienced friends I brought in to playing the game quit and uninstall it because they got way too frustrated at the lack of any instruction for what they're supposed to do. They loved the game otherwise but everything being a frustrating maze that left them clueless like this was too much frustration for them.


  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    Those older videos on boss mechanics should still be accurate, aside from Demogorgon (and soon Tiamat) none of the bosses have been reworked to make those videos outdated. I know player powers have changed, but the bosses themselves haven't. There is also a section for SOME boss mechanics in the lore section of your journal. Unfortunately this doesn't have any entries for Mod 16 (LoMM) and newer.

    For campaigns, if you look at the campaign tab and read the intro, it should direct you to the main quest hub. For your Storm King's Thunder example, it directs you to Bryn Shander.

    Feedback to Developers: There should be more info available in game and even a tutorial to direct players to the different parts of the journal. And the journal should be updated with boss tactics, with maybe a mod or two delay.
  • silente07#2597 silente07 Member Posts: 395 Arc User
    It’s been left up to guildies and helpful veterans to guide players and often in Ques folks don’t listen half the time even when your spamming DONT KILL THE SKULL. DONT KILL THE JELLIES in Cradle.

    Low level guilds are dying, no one wants to be in them, or work towards leveling them. Some 20 lvls help, but most arnt accepting players under 60k or not “experienced “

    But knowledgeable guilds and Alliance are currently your best bet.
    We used to run Friday trading runs, but when estoppel playing we stopped doing it.
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    Sybella's quests are pretty self-explanatory. You need to do 5 quests for Storm King's Thunder? Bryn Shander, Lonelywood, Cold Run, and Sea of Moving Ice. The zones that are part of Storm King's Thunder.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • auron#6793 auron Member Posts: 396 Arc User
    edited May 2022

    It’s been left up to guildies and helpful veterans to guide players and often in Ques folks don’t listen half the time even when your spamming DONT KILL THE SKULL. DONT KILL THE JELLIES in Cradle.

    Low level guilds are dying, no one wants to be in them, or work towards leveling them. Some 20 lvls help, but most arnt accepting players under 60k or not “experienced “

    But knowledgeable guilds and Alliance are currently your best bet.
    We used to run Friday trading runs, but when estoppel playing we stopped doing it.

    many lvl 20 guilds will take in people as long as they are lvl 20 including mine, we just want to make sure you're going to stick around.

    But yeah people just plane ignore the mechanics half the time. two days ago I was tanking LoMM with a pug group and both me and the healer tried to explain that you needed to kill the scorpions and leave the boss alone. It was sheer luck that we managed to clear it with the dps running around like chickens with their heads cut off and four turboed scorpions chasing us.
    <div align="center"><img src="https://i.imgur.com/YH9QCXK.png" alt="" /></div></img>
    ▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░ Drac ░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
    There is supposed to be an image here, but the hamsters took it.
    <div align="center">AKA Draconis of Luskan</div>

    Take a backseat boy. Cause now I'm driving. ~ Give it up - Elizabeth Gilies ft. Ariana Grande

    RIP Foundry: On that day, when the sky fell away, our world came to an end. ~Lifelight
  • peppa#4404 peppa Member Posts: 49 Arc User
    edited May 2022
    These things should not be for the veteran players to teach. 100% of the advice I've gotten, in-game, from fellow players has unfortunately not been accurate in one way or another or it's been completely inaccurate.

    Thank you, @arazith07!
    Good to know. The game should emphasize and inform us that's where that info is.
    "Look here! Guidance is here for dungeon mechanics and how-to's."

    I was hoping this would get more support so the devs would consider including more tutorials and tool tips for these things. Without support for this request players are going to continue to struggle with dumb stuff. I'm all for mazes being within the tasks we have to complete but when the navigation is a maze we can't find our way around it's frustrating, takes away from the fun of playing a video game.

    "Go here."
    Zero indication of where "here" is. Not fun.
    Post edited by peppa#4404 on
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