I've been playing for 7 years now in neverwinter and I still don't understand what the collection points are for, they are purely decorative in nature. This could be diversified, for example, when a player reaches 1000 collection points he would get a certain item, if a person collected all the items in the game, he is given an exclusive item, their number would be limited and it would fuel the interest of players.
- documentation, so you can find out about items and decide whether to try to get them?
- a checklist game within the game, so you can try and complete the set?
- a historical record, like a scrap book of happy memories?
It's annoying that there are things in collections that you can't get any more, like old masterwork items, some items in certain quality levels like the green decanter etc.It's annoying that there are things you can get that don't register in collctions, like account wide versions of many mounts, and "mastered" versions of chultan masterwork items, +1 versions of masterwork items, other quality levels of some items like companions.
It's annoying that there are things that seem not to be in collections, but then appear if you get them... so they're hidden some how. This might be why the points don't seem to add up sometimes.
And just for completeness... it's annoying that there are things you had and discarded that you can't get again, like the relic weapons.
Once I'm less annoyed I'll think about how many points I have