Sorry i was changing enchantment into medallion, now i used medallion and ive still 1k medallion ... i no want buy more im asking what Is the best deal i can do??? buyng ench to resell ah ?? Why i cant trade medallion for have the ad back?
I payed ad for the R15 in the game, so what ive to do now waiting for someone buy the new ench in ah at lower valute? sell the old ench at low valute?..idk i think a ad for medallion trader or r15 for ad is Needed idk if im the only with this trouble lol.. or i maybe miss something tnx for reply in really in trouble
The 40K AD is a trap for those who do not know about Sage shop.
If you have 27 medallions or less left, it is a curse.
i.e. if total number of medallions % 30 <= 27, you are cursed.
If your total number of medallions is right at 27, you are seriously cursed. Having 0 medallion would be "much better". So, for those who had only r9 and less, you should not feel too bad about it. You are doing good "relatively".
I would suggest anyone who has not traded for medallions not to trade in all your enchantment in one shot. You should always trade for a 30 medallion lot (30, 60, 90, 120). The reason is: you cannot sell left over medallion. You can sell old enchantment.