Considering the new enchant system is yet another complete rework of everything we had worked to achieve I was actually fairly positive about the new enchant system initially, until you unfortunately "fixed" it.
To try and explain where I am coming from, I've been playing since 2015, I have 8 main characters all with maxed out enchants, with huge numbers of other maxed out enchants sat in my Bank for different loadouts, roles or just from now obsolete builds. I have every armour and Weapon enhancement maxed out, enchants for collecting the loot bags etc.
All of this is now of course obsolete - which I can live with because you're giving us the exchange tokens in return and the ability to make mythic enchants account wide. So when this initially dropped on on preview my thinking was, "well I'll just max up one of everything and give each of my characters as many of each enchant as they could possible need". I felt this was fair, it would cost me 37 coal wards (or whatever the new name is), I'd have to account bind my enchants and a lot of my existing enchants would just need to be converted to refinement points, but I could live with that as fair exchange for never having to worry about about enchants on any character on my account again. It felt like a fair result for yet more disruption.
Unfortunately you have now made it so that each character can only get 1 copy of a mythic enchant, This works for the weapon, companion and bonus enchants of course but not the others. If I need 2 Jade enchants I have to level up 2 to mythic. Theoretically across all builds this could mean that the 5 enchants for offence, defence and utility could be needed up to 9 times on a build. I know its unrealistic, but needing 5 Garnets for a DPS single target build is about right, and I'm sure other roles and set ups will need multiple copies of different enchantments.
This is further compounded by the fact the Offence / Defence / Utility and bonus enchants can only be acquired at blue level, so I'm going to need to upgrade each one three times, and I don't think this feels like a fair exchange anymore. I'm still going to have to take the account bound hit, I'm still going to loose the value of a good number of my existing enchants and I'm now going to need 90+ coal wards. Its even more expensive to try and use the enchants that offer less than 100% chance because you need to protect at least 2 and probably 3 of your resources multiple times per upgrade loosing them every time.
This now feels to me like a cash grab, I loose half my existing enchant value as I don't need to exchange them all for the new tokens so the remainder are only worth the refinement points. I have to use an absolute ton of coal ward equivalents and I loose all resale value if I account bind them. You've based your new system on the assumption people only have the enchants they actually equip, and not taken into account some people have many items they historically had to rank up in storage, that should still retain a "usable" value.
I can accept you don't want unlimited mythic copies per account, it would have been fair in my view but you are a business. What I can't accept is if I have sufficient tokens from exchanging my existing enchants why can't I buy Legendary enchants for my offence, defence, utility slots. By your own exchange rates I have the fair value to be able to do so if you offered them, and at least this would offer me a substantial saving on Coal wards. By only offering these enchants at a level 2 maximum, you are both willingly short changing me on my existing enchantment value and using at as an opportunity to further profiteer in coal ward sales.
I'm not asking for anything radical, just a system that genuinely offers fair like for like value on an change you are imposing, not just giving me value for a portion of my existing enchants whilst making convert the rest to refinement points I don't really need, and don't represent the true value of the item.
Many thanks