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DC full divinity bar and overflowing spirit class privilege strange behavior

fra7santofra7santo Member Posts: 29 Arc User
edited December 2021 in Bug Reports (PC)
Hi all, I was testing two build and noticed that when I use a power that consumes divinity, after that the divinity bar becomes again full (visually) the class privilege "overflowing spirit" still needs 3s to activate.
You can test it spamming powers and, when the divinity bar becomes filled, open the character tab and check that your outgoing heal stats raise up after a few seconds due to the "overflowing spirit" passive.
It happens after a few seconds, but not right after the divinity bar is visually full and in my opinion, it is a wrong behavior because a cleric can't every time count some seconds mentally after the divinity bar is full to cast a spell with the passive up.. as soon as the divinity bar is full I should know that the passive is up and I can cast my healing spells with the buff.

I tested it letting mobs attack me and healing myself

Bug Image

let me add that after other tests with a friend, seems that after the divinity bar is full is needed about 3s to update the outgoing heal stat with the overflowing spirit class privilege buff and, after that, are needed also other 3s to let the buff take place.
If I heal right after the stats reachs the 90%, I got the same heal as the stat without the buff... if I wait more time, I cast a powerful heal...

can you please verify it yourself please and fix it in case it is a real bug?

thank you,
Post edited by fra7santo on
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