Hy, i equipped his Power on the utility and at legendary was supposed to be 500 itml and Say 300 likes and Epic Comp. but the fun thinks Is the 300 dosnt add to your item ..so Is equipping utility worth zero item lev lol.. my ENG isnt very well i Hope the others player can help Better on descrive this. Tnx for your time
But now (on legendary level) it gives 0 (Zero) to item level and 500 to combined rating.
So: a bug (or even 2 bugs). Until this bug is fixed, it may be nice, though - for people who struggle to get their rating stats up. 0 additional item level, but the combined rating raise of a legendary (or, if upgraded, of a mythic) companion is surely a nice boost with no raising of item level at all. Especially good for scaled content. Again: only until this will be fixed eventually.