Neverwinter will undergo scheduled maintenance on all platforms tomorrow, 10/19. You can find the patch notes here:'s fine, she's just out sick, nobody panic.

Wait how did he even get an AoE smite in the first place lol xD
Xael De Armadeon: DC
Xane De Armadeon: CW
Zen De Armadeon: OP
Zohar De Armadeon: TR
Chrion De Armadeon: SW
Gosti Big Belly: GWF
Barney McRustbucket: GF
Lt. Thackeray: HR
Lucius De Armadeon: BD
Member of Casual Dailies - XBox
Price of Sharandar MW recipes have been increased to 1.5M per profession.
Price of Chultan MW recipes have been increased to 500K per level per profession.
Any mention of Stronghold MW means Chultan MW, the old MW1-3 recipes are gone and not for sale.
I do NOT see any of the Masterwork tools nor fashion available for 3000 GM, only for 100K AD.
Sharandar charts ARE for sale at the The Generalist (they were removed from preview at first, but was was put back once Sharandar MW recipes became available).
Guild Leader
Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
At least last time you gave plenty of time for people to get prepared, but now I have over 100M AD with of mc 1-3 mats and 550 charts. No mention of a chart refund and not enough time to farm them either....
You really do like to screw people over in an increasingly extreme way, BRAVO!
increase dmg and HP in most leveling zones
did you forget to add a tab?
Nothing has been said in these forums as far as I can see and nothing has been mentioned in my alliance, so i didn't know to try digging anywhere for info as it hadn't been announced. This is, quite literally, the first I've heard about it....
The alchemy masterworks (but perhaps also of other professions) have disappeared or maybe not, the problem is figuring out where the hell to find them. Maybe Juma at least does something useful. The materials to be exchanged are exchanged only in multiples of five or ten, the others cheerfully clog up the inventory, which was already not enough before, Sybella no longer exchanges tokens of heroism, but gives the players vigorous pat on the back. There is no png that gives Sharandar masterworks to Sharandar. Stronghold masterwork, what are they? Never seen. in conclusion
But do you work like this?
My complaint isn't that they have made changes, even though they are pretty absurd. Rather it's the fact that we had only 8 hours official warning. For example, there's no chart hand in only the mats from them. I have 550 "defunct" charts which I could have been farming instead of sharandar charts if they had given a sensible amount of notice. It's looking like these will be wasted, a lot of gm farming....
The last time they made such significant changes (m15??) they gave at least several weeks notice. They gave more notice than this for changing the levels, which had no impact in game! Posting something in the preview server thread with no ETA does not constitute notice. I'm pretty sure I can speak for most MC5 crafters and say that we like to be prepared for stuff, so dumping this on us at such short notice is a massive PITA.
This isn't some minor tweak, it's essentially a complete reset of the MC system with essentially zero notice. Just, Aaaarrrgghh!
Now my question is this, is this a bug or is this a case of a forgotten tab. A lot of people use the legacy store to get what they need to upgrade enchants, artifacts etc.
This issue has been escalated and we can confirm that it's a bug. The dev team will prepare a fix as soon as possible.
The quests are however still awarding the medallions. Thank you for your patience!
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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Currently investigating about these issuesUpdate: these issues have been escalated to the dev team for investigation.
The dev team will prepare as soon as possible a new build to fix them. Thank you for your patience!
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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For me it was about the rewards that I could then exchange for the enchants , mount tokens etc .
Unless it's bugged as when I see the NPC it lists the rewards for the reapers quests .
So is it bugged or intentional ?
Not mentioned in the patch notes, so most likely a bug, using the same shop ID for inventory maybe
Just a note to indicate that we did not forget to publish the patch notes in Russian, but the localisation team is still working on it. It should be ready and published tomorrow. Thank your for your understanding.
EU Community Manager @ Gearbox Publishing
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•The first level of books start at 500,000 instead of 100,000 (chultan recipe 1, 2...).
•There is no person to learn the final Sharandar 500,000 recipe from
Caturday Survivor
Elemental Evil Survivor
Undermontain Survivor
Mod20 Combat rework Survivor
Mod22 Refinement rework Survivor