I had claimed my 50% off Zen coupon the day before it would expire from the claims. I marked it protected figuring it would be safe and I could hold onto it for a few days since I had a couple days before it expired. However, when I went to actually finally purchase something from the Zen house that I wanted to use that coupon on, I could not find the coupon in my bags. My guess is there was a bug and it was removed from my bag before it's expiration time or the protection placed on it didn't do anything and I accidently purchased something else from the Zen store thinking it would use one of the other coupons that weren't protected first and/or at least warn me in some way about having a protected coupon. I'm willing to accept it's probably the latter that happened and I should have apparently been more aware of what coupon was getting used in the Zen store and will have to make sure in the future I make sure to not keep something as valuable in my bags and hope that if I put it in the bank it'll be safe there. However, if a coupon is marked as protected the system should treat it as such and not use it with out some sort of warning or just not allow it to be used/see as an option until forced to go and remove the flag like I would have to do for anything I would want to refine/sell/trade, etc. Very unhappy that I didn't get to use my 50% coupon on what I wanted. Please fix your system so this doesn't happen to someone else.
Hope they sort it out for you guys/gals