it can be a bug for ALL PROFESSIONS rather than just summer crafting.
I have: 56x Summer Flax Fiber and 28x Linseed Oil, so you can craft 7x Sahha balls.
Instead of crafting them using morale directly, order them. So I ordered 21x Sailcloth. Then, in Current Orders window, use morale to finish task (if you want to speed up things). I have Workshop lvl2, so 18 slots. Once you reach 18, collect all 18 sailclothes and finish remaining 3. Then start crafting sahha balls. In the end, you will be able to craft ONLY SIX (6), because for the seventh one, you will only have 3x sailclothes but NONE of Flax Fiber and Linseed Oil!!! To sum up, i've lost 2x Flax fiber and 1x Linseed oil.
If you do all this with morale directly, you can craft 7x balls.
EDIT: ok, so this is only happening if you craft more than max order slots you have. I did another test and ordered firstly 10 sailclothes, collected them all, and then 11x again (then "Collect all" again). After that, I could craft 7 balls.