After Jubilee's event run out all boxes openned this year immidiately dropped to 0 and after opening each of bounties counter immidiately or with barelly noticable delay drop to 0 again each time bounty was openned.
Normaly visual bug would be just it - visual bug and dont affect anything
however that one directly affects drop getting from bounties making the reward be each time 1-2 renown (instead of 100-200+ after opening specific ammount) without chance for hospitality, vouchers, insignias, wards and the other rewards.
after recent fix regarding figurines these also started to drop again - however rest of loot remains unobtainable due to that bug + ammount of renown possible to get is at least 100 times lower than it normaly is and would be.
To trigger bug:
- enter live server with any level character
- open as many protector's bounty as you wish on that character (while doing so watch for counter and rewards you're getting)
expected result:
Counter progress with each openned bounty and specific ammounts unlocks further rewards based on counter.
observed results:
Counter getting reset frequently with each openned bounty and do not drop more than 1-2 renown and anything else than ocasional figurine.
Generaly there always was week to trade currency with merchant even after activities were already over and previous year the number in counter of oppened boxes was persisting even months later untill actual "new year" if im not wrong - this time however counter dropped to 0 immidiately after event was over even before end of estimated maintaince's end making my main character stuck with over 6000 bounties.
Attaching also screens to confirm state of counter during one of first days of even and next one taken after event was already over made oryginaly for ticket.