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Sharandar Bounty design

pspoonpspoon Member Posts: 24 Arc User
I am in awe, what was the creative process that went into making the Sharandar bounties? Ok team, first we need something repetitive and it needs to be done a lot, second how can we design in another element of boredom besides being repetitive? And last, if we can add a way to pit player against each other so they are essentially forced to troll each other, if we can do that I think we have a winner? Seriously, who thinks ANY aspect of the bounties is a good game design?


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    sagakaiyume#0847 sagakaiyume Member Posts: 402 Arc User
    Its no different from their chult and avernus trophy farms, where people leeched off others there. This is how this company works and every time the players come here and tell them how stupid it was. Nothing changes. Lazy devs, plain and simple.
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    plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,270 Arc User
    They did change. They change from hunt to bounty. Bounty is a lot easier than hunt. If you tie the campaign quest with the bounty route/timing and play many toons, it is pretty easy. No need to do camping (or trolling or play against other players) or partying. I am not saying it is a good design but they did "change".
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
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    kemnimtarkaskemnimtarkas Member Posts: 838 Arc User
    Wow - I haven't really played through the new Sharandar zone. Sounds soooo familiar - they had the exact same design flaw on many quests in the Old Sharandar maps (remember having to fend off other players while doing the feeding dog quest and the releasing elves trapped in the tree HAMSTER quest)? So many times getting ambushed by another player who'd swoop in and steal your quest item while you were occupied fighting the trash mob(s).

    Good to know that even as dev teams come and go and max levels rise and fall, at least miserably bad game design is forever.
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    greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,112 Arc User
    The only griefable I recall from old Sharandar was the dryads. You engage the mob and someone else slips in and heals the tree. Hounds and Bearing Arms were sharable.
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    pitshadepitshade Member Posts: 5,665 Arc User
    Bearing Arms was changed sometime after the launched to give credit in a radius instead of just to the clicking player. Patching Things Up was never fixed, but inconsistencies are just par for the course in Neverwinter.
    "We have always been at war with Dread Vault" ~ Little Brother
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