Hello, I am writing because I am curious why a warrior fighting with a great sword is a barbarian ???
I know that with the upcoming patch there will be Bard and leveling up to 20 like in D&D but I also have some questions and questions but I don't know where to write them
1. Barbarian cannot use heavy armor, only leather
2. Why a Fighter can only use a sword and a shield and not two-handed weapons like in the D&D system ??
3 People wanted to see the dual-weapon fighting style ( You know two swords in hands and roar!!!
Then in Module 16 (we are in Module 20 right now), a lot of changes happened that redesigned the game as it is now, such as taking out feats, getting rid of armor class, and so on.
The dev team/executives also decided that was the best time to change the names to resemble 5e D&D, except that Great Weapon Fighter originally took the name "Fighter" and the Guardian Fighter was just "Guardian".
The classes were hastily changed turned into Barbarian and Fighter at some point later in Module 16's development. Neverwinter is not "5e D&D adapted to a video game as close as possible", it is more "an action game with online multiplayer that takes D&D names and settings". And this is reflected in the gameplay, where you might see some familiar names and faces, but not much of the mechanics. I'm no systems designer, but I think it is a problem of how the character system was originally set up. Classes were fixed to a single weapon type, with no mechanical distinction between the weapons other than weapon damage and animation times. Agreed, but don't hold your breath on hoping the game is going to be more like D&D in mechanics and not just D&D in name only.