Come slay some Fey with Worst in Slot today, the best place for those of you, even those who aren't "Best In Slot"
About Us:
- We are an active GH20 with multiple pages of crackheads online every night.
- Predominantly an American guild but we have players able to speak a variety of languages, and an increasing European player base.
- We run all content from A-Zariel. This includes completions, training, advice, and guidance.
- Leaders, Officers, and Class Mentors available both in game and on our messy lively Discord.
- Maxed PvE boons include Critical Strike/Severity, Defense/Awareness/Crit Avoidance, Revive Sickness/Mount Speed, etc.
- Maxed PvP boons are Enhance Overloads: Slayer + Stamina Drain.
- Regular contests, giveaways, trivia, and even the occasional bit of unnecessary drama.
- Part of the active, international Origins alliance.
- At least 18+ Earth years of age.
- Generally active level 80 character (but you can bring a couple alts along).
- No ilvl req. A willingness to gain experience and knowledge is more important than being 56k and bringing Dreadtheft to a boss fight.
- Willing to beat up on faeries, devils, angels, and a certain crusty old man with equal tenacity.
- Knowing the difference between fun, friendly trash talk and just being a "youknowwhat".
- Mic is required for learning endgame content. I’m just not typing all of those callouts.
You can pm one of our Guild Leaders/Officers via Xbox (GT: WardenDeJaco, Tenayshush, pk4BZ AT7, RockMyGlock1982, TRC Unknown, GunnerDom98, xBearCub, tornadotongue10, SpaciLaci, Moonbeam32781) for an invite, or request more information.