I came to the game in the begging of mod14 and it was a bug before that time, I think - its around 3 years.
I play Cradle. Last boss one shots me with unknown strike w/e.
My Soulforged gets me up, I heal myself, no problem...
Revive sickness = 4
WHY? This is happening a lot - added stacks on the revive sickness when I died only 1 time. Usually its 2, but sometimes its 4 stacks out of nowhere...
/why you removed my post? is it fixed already?! - thats how you fix bugs haha you remove the report
got x3 in fbi last night
If you added a post to that thread for the purpose of bumping it up, it is not allowed.
Not sure if this is a bug or not but it is something that should be looked at.
you shouldnt take dmg for a period of time after the initial revive... or Im not understanding their english
as I said - all kinds of hamster also - dont need gear advice, thank you - this a bug forum {}
Instead of Lostmouth set, I use the angel of protection companion power. It gives you a shield when you are revived.
still not fixed...