Just wondering if there are any issues with Avernus hunts at the moment I have gone 19 (5 t2's 14 t1's) without a lure dropping. Is this is 'as expected'? As I have nothing else to do, and the effort gone into collecting the lures in the 1st place, I feel like I am bashing my head against a wall for RP I really don't need.
When doing hunts in a party, make sure YOU have party lead when it's time to summon YOUR lures. Right click you name in the top left corner of the screen and choose "Set Loot Mode". Choose party leader decides. Each drop you pickup you will need to assign who gets it. You keep what you want. Personally I give away all the RP items to random team mates and I keep all T2 trophies.
19 without a drop leads me to believe you have loot setting issues, as much as I hate RNG, no one has that bad RNG to get no drops in 19 hunts.
Just out of curiosity, what T2 hunt did you do 5 of and not see a trophy? And were they all back to back or spread out over some time?
This is just Neverwinter superstition but I'm a firm believer of stacking prior to opening. And in this case, stacking prior to hunting. I made my first 2 T3 lures the other day finally! I worked until I had 10 of each T2 hunt. Then found a group to join and managed to do 8 of each lure with that group. These were my results from these hunts.
Infernal Hellfire x 8 = Lantern x 5
Ensorcelled Lure x 8 = Ice shard x 4
Whip of command x 8 = Shield x 2
The tactic I use is not realistic for everyone. It was a lot of time, effort, and mop4s for chains. They are the 1 trophy I don't farm myself.