This grisly corpse appears to be that of the missing Iliyanbruen dignitary.
Something has flayed the skin from it. The coin purse appears untouched...
I touched it.
So when I got back I talked to Legaeth Songscyth, "Have you some new information? I'd be interested in knowing more."
"Yes, your Envoy was dead they skinned him and I pretty sure planned to make jerky...
Legaeth Songscyth, "Skinned? How… gruesome and very un-troll like."
"Uhm, yes I find that very troll like, he was probably also alive during the skinning. In fact, last week, I recued dwarves from a
hot soup bath. Not sure what you mean by "very un-troll like"?"
Legaeth Songscyth, "There aren’t many creatures from the Feydark that fancy removing the skin from their prey.
I am quite confident this is not the work of mere Feydark rabble.".
"So you are thinking some Yakuza got in here and..."
Legaeth Songscyth, "There is no doubt in my mind that the ogre mages you faced are somehow related to our
dignitary's untimely demise. Whatever this new threat might be, we shall stop it all the same.".
"Wait a minute... I remember you, from about two years ago, telling me the fomorian warriors were dumb, big, smelly, battle-hardened, intelligent, and multiply like rabbits. How can they be both dumb and intelligent??"
Legaeth Songscyth, "It would have been much nicer to meet under different circumstances, but fate can often be a
cruel mistress as it were. I have been told of your work with the Fey Crossing and the ogre mages you faced there.
Some call them oni, is it? To say I am intrigued would be a gross understatement.
Right, so back to the task at hand, then? I have just heard from our scouts that some of these creatures in the ruins
carry trinkets that share similar abhorrent qualities. Of course, these scouts couldn’t have been bothered to bring
any of them back here for study. The scouts feared bringing back the iron trinkets, as they may be cursed.
It’s odd, they’re all cast from iron and are of the same shape. I am very interested in seeing if we can obtain
some of these for study. Bring some of them back to our smith Casardil, he will know what to do.
You can find him up on Kehl Skywatcher’s Plaza, may she never be forgotten.".
"I don't know why you want 350 of the exact same item? It is nice to meet up with you again Songscyth, good to see you are still the moron I remember so long ago!".