The astral diamond exchange is destroyed!! I think a great way to get the economy back would be a lockbox that contains zen. Much like the tarmalune trade bars. I figured I'd throw this out there and hope it gets to the right people to stabilize the exchange.
It is ENTIRELY controlled by the playerbase; always has been and always will be.
If you want it to be "fixed" then support the game, purchase Zen and exchange it for AD to help lower the backlog. Lower it enough and it will start to drop from a 750 unit price; resulting in a cushion to defer another backlog.
Literally the only thing stopping the ZAX from being in a better condition is player selfishness.
You don't get to whine about a problem you helped create and refuse to help solve.
The ZAX is 100% controlled by the Dev team. Simple example, what will happen to the ZAX if all ZEN shop items will be moved to the WB, even without any price change, same 750 * current_zen_price?
The fact that like the exchange ratio is not set directly doesn't make it uncontrolled. Neverwinter economy is 100% controlled, with all of its aspects, including the exchange. The one thing that breaks that control, RMT, is banable (as it should be).