We all know that a person will buy from the zen market or from the Auction House something that they like in stats but even IMMAGE.
Many players spend extra just for a different visual (example holy vorpal ench.) etc... Or fashion, or a mount for it's looks.... there is a entire market behind the image of things.
So i got a quicling for milions of AD
https://ibb.co/TWZrkGJ very cool with a mask and looked like he would protect you and scare the mobs away. Now they transformed it, instead of making a quickling 2.0 like they do for other things, they changed something that already has been out in the market, and we already have and are using.
Not important that now it is female (yes you can see the difference) and need to spend 6k clean AD to change the name to make it fit...
Not important that it looks nothing as before and is a rainbow troll from the cartoons... The fact is that, Someone chooses to get something and likes it, how it is. It is extreamly UNPROFESSIONAL, WRONG and UNCARING to change it, because someone woke up that morning and said, who cares if players like it, who cares if they chose that type of immage, we will change it anyways like it or not.
That is simply wrong. You want to make something new for the new sharandar (that is ruining the stronghold buildings with the currency and support busted), that is fine, just make a new one, do not change an existing one.
Everyday getting more and more disappointed in the not caring at all about the players. We do spend money in this game and be treated like garbage is not cool.