This has to be the only game I have ever played where bug exploitation is rewarded instead of being pubished. You have placed rank 12 armour and weapon enchantment pack behind a pvp wall where people take advantage of every broken thing devs left in the game. Some companions still deliver stats and attributes inside domination, lots of old rings from Chult hunts, mysterious merchants in stronghold and simple blue ring drops give far more and better stats than new 1200il rings, obsolete weapons like shadewalkers, drowned set sbd mirage giving far and above their attributes.
Please fix or adress this matter once and for all, either remove pvp all together or make it enjoyable for all, stop rewarding cheats!
Melee dps order should be blademaster > sentinel> dps fighter-> tank fighter > tank pally > healing pally. Of course defensive and utitly mechanics should be better the less damage you have.