This issue is one of consistency of interface implementation, the goal of each set of event quests having the same pattern of user interface to avoid player confusion and frustration.
There are two different expectations not met by the current version of this quest.
1) There is no visual indication of the dog 'lifetime'.
-Expected Result - When I approach a dog to pet them, I expect an indicator (similar to the spy lifetime indicators in Blackdagger Ruins) of the Time to Live of the NPC before I click on them. If I interact with an NPC dog close to end of life, I expect my action will cause his life timer to pause until my interaction has completed.
- Actual Experience - I occasionally walk up to a dog, full green health bar, click on them to begin 'comforting' them, and as the 'petting' indicator bar fills, the dog disappears from the screen and I get no credit for the action.
2) Once the required number of dogs have been 'comforted' there is no indication (aside from the sound/journal/HUD display) that the quota is filled and interacting with another dog is a waste of time.
- Expected Result - Once the 5 dogs have been comforted and the quest requirements fulfilled, I expect the "Press F to interact" prompt to turn Red and prevent interaction (this is similar to Harvest Festival Pumpkin gathering).
- Actual Experience - After the quest quota is filled, the dogs still whine, and the 'Press F to interact' prompt is still live and permits me to comfort them without reward.
Please try to be consistent with the mechanics of each of your events to avoid player confusion and frustration. Thanks.
The task indicator "Comfort for cowardly dogs" with (4/5) under the mini-map does not provide additional hint?