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Misleading Radiant Enchant Exchange. Scam on players or a mistake?

billabongbillbillabongbill Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 5 Arc User
With New Mod 20 Combat Changes and Radiant Enchants becoming kinda redundant, I found that game provided an exchange for them. Trusting the devs were providing a fair exchange, after the numerous changes they have made to the game, I exchanged approx 15 x r15 Radiants and Empowered Runestones, only to find that they are bound to me. There is no message warning that this would be happening, except to find it out after doing the exchange. ( These warning messages are common when turning armor etc into refinement, however, an r15 enchant exchange, interestingly, provides no warning, especially considering their value.) Now I am unable to trade them, and should the devs change the game again, I will be stuck with useless unusable stones and enchants. This is, in my opinion, an extremely dishonest, and misleading way, to cheat players out of assets, they have built up for years, playing the game. I am requesting the original unbound stones back, but so far I am getting the run around. I would hope that the game would be honest and return what has been stolen from me. 15 stones are worth a lot of real money, so for me, I feel I have been robbed. I imagine many other players have also been caught out with this unfair scam. I have supported the game for many years and bought zen numerous times, so I would expect them to be fair in their exchanges. Any business that I have interacted with, that have supplied me with inferior or damaged goods, have returned my money, or given back the goods in question. I would hope, Neverwinter, will also act ethically in this regard. I hope the game is not scamming players, but have made an unfortunate mistake on this occasion.
Regards Billabongbill


  • coolgor28#5062 coolgor28 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 79 Arc User
    How did you get cheated, always the trades were bound and when you go for trade it state bound on pickup(account). Maybe read first the tooltip first if you have rank 15 probably you are not a new player. At least they gave some trade for your enchants that you can chose whatever you want or you can sell for ad.

    The imaginary Friends

    Main Kingslayer.jr(barb)
  • hexngone#5489 hexngone Member Posts: 370 Arc User

    How did you get cheated, always the trades were bound and when you go for trade it state bound on pickup(account). Maybe read first the tooltip first if you have rank 15 probably you are not a new player. At least they gave some trade for your enchants that you can chose whatever you want or you can sell for ad.

    Actually, the exchange of Eldrich Runestones gives you unbound Bonding Runestones which you are able to sell or trade freely. Oh, wait, they removed the need for Bonding Ruinstones from the game ... we should have saw that coming?

  • plasticbatplasticbat Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 12,348 Arc User
    1. Not a mistake in their end.
    2. Scam or not is individual's opinion.
    3. The information is on the tooltip of the enchantment you are going to exchange.
    4. It is known to get the BtA replacement. It is not the first time.
    *** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
  • adinosiiadinosii Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 4,294 Arc User

    There is no message warning that this would be happening

    Sorry, there was. Maybe read things more carefully the next time?

    Hoping for improvements...
  • roadkill#6177 roadkill Member Posts: 534 Arc User
    edited February 2021
    I strongly doubt they will refund you or return the original items.

    In this case the trade-in does show "bound to account" so there is that, but another example I ticketed them for which they flat out refused to acknowledge pertained to the mount insignia and collar upgrades. The insignias and collars have a preview popup window of the upgraded item, but the preview does not include bound status. The only reason I upgraded an insignia and collar was because I relied on the preview image showing an unbound collar but the results were bound. Needless to say I was/am pissed and even reported them to the BBB. They ended the file through the BBB curtly stating it was my responsibility despite I have found no information to this date to support their case. It is not possible without trial and error to know I cannot rely on the accuracy of the preview image. I got no refund. And the system for previewing upgrades has not been updated.
  • drago#3250 drago Member Posts: 190 Arc User
    If you are not a tank and bought X Awareness items, there is a good chance your new bought items do not get redundant.
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