It seems like the goal at this point is to use active companions. (I could be wrong--I admit I don't know what the actual goal is, but I'm guessing here
). The companion should be one that has a fast attack and can provide combat advantage. At least I think that is the goal.
So I tried it on several different companions. I tried Zuna, Seige Master, Alchemist, Con Artist, Prospector, Soradriel, and a few others. Most were fighters with a close fighting skill rather than the Ranged Spell throwers like the evoker or Zhentarim Warlock. I chose those based upon companions that I had that were at least epic level so that they might pull a little aggro themselves or maybe do a bit of damage. I have not changed their runestones, which are all empowered at the moment.
What I am noticing is that none of those listed, other than Zuna, seem to keep any semblance of combat advantage. And I am not certain of her, since she goes all over the battle area. In fact, in more than one fight with a mini boss, several of the companions actually move around the boss to fight on the same side as my character.
This is really different behavior than that of many of the mobs which seem to automatically flank your character. For example, dragons, cultists, demons, and others seem to automatically flank you. I'm not complaining about that--just noting it so that you can tell there is a bit of AI or programming that allows for mobs to know that you can and should be flanked. But it seems to be missing from companions.
Is anyone else seeing this behavior with their companions? Is anyone finding that they can maintain combat advantage with fighter style companions, or is it better to use ranged companions?
Or in short, Ranged PC + Melee comp, or Ranged Comp + Melee PC.
the ai on companions however is the same as the ai on companions in every mmo i have ever played absolulty tear your hair out annoying
xuna can be one of the worst she went and decided to attack a group half a map away leaving my rogue to nearly die to the spawn i was trying to deal with
The Wererat does a good job of staying on the opposite side of a mob from the player. The orcish Casters tend to outflank the player whenever they can (or jump across the map if cornered). The Wererat is only Rare/Blue so he doesn't generate more aggro than my 21K IL character, sadly. He tends to knock back herds of mobs (into aggro zones of neighbors) which is good and bad depending on the situation. With a GF or Warden hR I can rush to the mob, on a Pally it becomes annoying. For the ranged chars it is good and he will stick with one mob until they are dead while I start attacking a second, which is useful with 3+ healer groups.
The archers are paired with the melee characters, the Kenku with Rogues because he stealths. The problem I have with ranged companions is their choice of 'where' to stand. If they are attacked, they move - often where another group of mobs are. Also, until the companion is levelled up to Epic, you cannot depend on them to fire an area CC/AoE every time. Many is a time I ran the Portal to Teurn expecting the companion to kill the 'other' mobs while I went for the Green Archers ... to be disappointed as only one or two were killed.
Perhaps what is needed is a systematic listing of Companion AI abilities. These days I'm more interested in what tactics they use than what bonus stat they provide.
Either way, those two and the blink dog (I didn't verify the blink dog) are better than having my alchemist run around the boss and come stand next to me.
I am fast with her, i can jump, switch stances in mid air, pull off a move and switch stances again before i hit the ground.
Like an extension of me, both bow and melee weapons were used with equally as needed or required--a dark dance of bow and axes carving away at the population of whatever it is that is in my way from my goals.
Damn Timers. It's a good thng that I love my Penetrating Arrow shot, with its damage floaters hovering between 34-52k damage IF I HAVE COMBAT ADVANTAGE!
With my main combo's, if all goes well, and i have combat advantage, one combo between both weapons with all encounter powers on cooldown, I can do a lot of damage fast.
While on cooldown with encounter powers, thank Tymora that I Love my At-Wills because of the damage that they cause along with their speed.
Split shot, averages mid 30k-50k per target hit.
Penetrating Arrow averages around 32-56k and travels through the target, and through the next one and the next one, etc.
AND you can run while shooting it.
That's the beauty of Penetrating arrow and making sure that it hits hard as hard as i can get it at the moment with At-Will enhancers such as + 3% more dmg, ranged powers to 3% more dmg, 10% more dmg modification for penetrating arrow..etc. AND the 10% increase that a feat gives to me if i get behind them as well. (And of course making sure your crits are high.
I used to have Critical over 100 percent even though, i believe it was set to only hit or miss at a 50% chance. My biggest thing I loved... I took absolute pride in my Critical Severity.
When buffed properly, I had 175 crit severity.
Criticals hit hard.
Criticals with Combat Advantage hit even harder.
Why am I telling you this?
Because I do not have anything extremely powerful and special aside from alabaster bow and axes.
My r15 bondings were my prized success story that I was proud of.
Now I don't have those anymore.
I have one r15 dark enchantment and one r15 Tenebrous enchantment that isnt hitting its "up to 24k" based on a percentage of my HP. I have more than enough HP for it to reach the cap of 24k, but its hitting for 16k when it triggers... I've never seen it go higher (why is this?)
But all of this damage that required Combat Advantage to pull off the damages that I did (on a normal day--of course i had my bad days and my better than normal ones)
I love Augment companions. Quasit, Bullette Pup, Goat and Deep Crow Hatchling have been good to me and I used them when I'm in a group.
It wasn't until this new combat system change that I realized I had a huge problem!
98% of the time I solo.
Augments, though I got them to Mythic fairly quickly thanks to good luck with the daily lockbox keys for those with VIP, and of course my STACKS of untouched Legacy quests from Sybella for companion upgrade tokens.
But what about when I solo -- wtf? the mobs suddenly are angry and learned how to flank and get combat advantage on me. Consistently.
While my stupid Augment companions stood there stupid and not helping, Because they CAN'T
I was getting worked!
I reviewed the companions.
Augment companions and fighting companions will both share their stats with you.
The Augments will give you bonus 15% (correct me if that % is incorrect) extra on 3 of your stats.
That is not a whole lot when it comes to the benefits between the types of companions now.
For Solo adentures and excursions, I have great fun with COCKATRICE--Which was my first "real" companion from when I started out over a year ago. I had put him on the back burner for Quasit.
Now it's time to put Quasit and the other Augmenters on the back burner for fighters. Those extra little stat points that the augments give, are not enough to equal the damage output of a decent Fighting companion.
The time for COCKATRICE has returned.
I like him because he rushes into the combat and fights. With his gear holding two r15 indomitable's (oh i have those too, thanks to the select an r15 rune or enchantment chest) for 20% extra damage each--i got those instead of a player enchant because enchantments suck and are worthless now compared to companion runestones.
Two more r11 indomitable runes for 12% extra dmg each.
An insignia combo (forget what it is called) x2 for another 20% companion dmg each (assuming these stack), if not one has to go back to something else)
And Llura's Bell (I think that's what it is called) for another 20% comp damage.
With COCKATRICE being such an avid and excited fighter..He does some pretty decent damage, can usually, even if only briefly or for the entire fight, HOLD AGRO at LEGENDARY.
(He will be taken up to Mythic in about 14 more companion tokens)
That is a HUGE help for ranged attacks! I am able to use Penetrating Arrows while meneuvering as needed to get behind the mobs as COCKATRICE continues to shred them into pieces while holding agro the best that he can.
He rarely needs to hold it long...couple power hits from behind and fights over in seconds.
Larger mobs that get crazy = a lot of fun and excitement.
COCKATRICE allows me to achieve combat advantage nearly all the time -- and quickly.
With him by my side, I actually rely on him and count on him to do his part when we face mobs.
It is rare when he let's me down.
I am sure there are faster and stronger companions, but I am i no way disappointed with my COCKATRICE.
Thanks for reading.
I have found that my Air Archon on my Ranger works really well--at mythic (it was at legendary already thanks to Sybella), it holds a little aggro. I haven't changed the runestones yet, but after your post, I will look at it to see if it does better with indomitable runes. The nice thing with the Air Archon and the Ranger is that I can 'spam' dailies and cause the Air Archon's bonus to kick in almost every 10 seconds. I don't know for certain that it increases my damage significantly, but i do know that mobs tend to die quickly.
I will be looking at the cockatrice for my mage and cleric to see if they work well.
As for the other companions, I was really disappointed with how slowly the black death scorpion attacked, and the blink dog and swashbuckler were also rather slow. I tried them all at epic and below, so maybe that was an issue.
> @idthrennion#8157 Really like your description of your playstyle--thanks.
> I have found that my Air Archon on my Ranger works really well--at mythic (it was at legendary already thanks to Sybella), it holds a little aggro. I haven't changed the runestones yet, but after your post, I will look at it to see if it does better with indomitable runes. The nice thing with the Air Archon and the Ranger is that I can 'spam' dailies and cause the Air Archon's bonus to kick in almost every 10 seconds. I don't know for certain that it increases my damage significantly, but i do know that mobs tend to die quickly.
> I will be looking at the cockatrice for my mage and cleric to see if they work well.
> As for the other companions, I was really disappointed with how slowly the black death scorpion attacked, and the blink dog and swashbuckler were also rather slow. I tried them all at epic and below, so maybe that was an issue.
Thank you for the compliment about the description of my playstyle. Awesome. Sometimes I get in a writing mood. * All the time*
... I hope Cockatrice will work for your cleric if you try it.
Yesterday, instead of putting it up for sale, I went ahead and gave my extra one to my wizard.. and didn't have as much luck with it's performance.
I'm not sure why not... Maybe because it's only purple epic quality level?
I honestly kept asking why the Cockatrice hated my wizard enough to sometimes even remember that we're in a fight and to not wander off until it's over, plz. (That part is a joke, but it felt like that at times).
I doubt this, but Is it possible that a companions performance could be inluenced, (even if its subtle) by their controllers character's race, class and stats?
I have the fire and air second. I've tested for but not air yet but will try that one tonight too.
Blackeath scorpion I've never been impressed with ...Which is sad because I really want to like it.
I'm trying to make it so I can comfortably summon any companion out if my team, with confidence, and not stess if I am going to have to babysit them to get them to do what they supposed to.
It know that is asking a lot... But is it, really?
Why do they bother making a particular companion in the first place if, by design, it's supposed to be a useless waste of pixel-space with a weak AI to guide its bad performance.
Some companions look cool as hell, but are cursed with the uselessness--the slow and stupid--usually good for only their slottable player bonus... and sometimes not even that.
That is very disappointing because to summon something because it looks awesome, but fails where it's important, simply endangers the lives of not only yourself, but the lives of your entire party. Haha 😁
!!!Happy Hunting!!!
*My girlfriend doesn't let me take baths with her because I like to skip rocks...*