In recent weeks, I have been queueing for RTQ or REDQ, sometimes with 1 or 2 other alliance members. We queue with me as a healer and notice that when the RTQ starts, we are with 2 other healers - or in REDQ, we are with another healer. Not a big issue but what I thought was a 1 or 2 off has basically become a regular thing and has become annoying enough for me to point it out. I looked over a few pages, if I missed the original post about this, I'm sorry.
Now, as someone who mains a Healer Cleric and has begun Randoming with my Tank Fighter, the easiest fix to me would be to allow us to swap Loadouts to another role after dungeon starts. I keep a DPS loadout for soloing, and I can already do this in Skirmishes where the roles aren't locked. Again I feel for Paladins having had their DPS paragon stolen from them with no recourse.
I suspect that the Role Bonus may be part of the problem, and I don't know the solution for it. Is it such a huge bonus that it would be abused by people queuing a needed role and then abandoning it despite possibly a risk to the group dynamic? I don't think so, but some might argue otherwise. In that case, do you put a popup telling the person swapping roles that they will lose their Role bonus for changing? I know I'd probably take the loss if it meant finishing the run, but many others would be too put off by it, and would continue running with an unbalanced team.
And the really radical option is to abolish the Mandatory Unholy Trinity, but that would probably require a rework of every group content so that it's not required and there would be quite the uproar over it. Personally if it were still playable, I'm okay with it, other games make it work just fine.
TLDR: I agree, it's happening a lot lately, and it sure would be nice if there were fixes that helped ensure the Queue finishes successfully.