Does anyone know if there is a way to call up the bulk insignia menu similar to how you can when refining other items? In my commandaliases.txt I use: "gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Refinebulksalvage clicked" to call up the proper menu with a single key (numpad0).
I would like to do the same thing for insignias...
And yes, I tried "gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Refinebulkinsignia clicked" to no avail.
Thanks in advance.
Guild: Noble Misfits |
Silky Pan'teeze: Drow Wizard | --- | Madres de Nasae: Half-elf Rouge |
Kepler: Human Paladin | --- | Demenoss: Dragonborn Barbarian |
Divine Pan'teeze: Drow Cleric | --- | Nikki Sharparrow: Human Ranger |
/bind KEY "gensendmessage Inventoryoption_Insigniabulksalvage clicked"