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Upcoming changes - Warlock

I know that things are still subject to change, so I'm providing info that I believe should be addressed.

When the Warlock tries to self-buff they can do this in two ways: Soul Investiture and Soul Sparks.

Soul Investiture is stacked on the Soul Puppet; in ToMM, Zariel etc the puppet quite often dies resulting in a big DPS reduction for the Warlock. I believe that Soul Investiture should stack on the Warlock and not the Soul Puppet. I'm sure you can find another use for the Soul Puppet, such as providing a soul spark to the Warlock when the Soul Puppet attacks, or reducing enemy outgoing damage when near the puppet. There are many options available, stacking Soul Investiture on the puppet and not the Warlock (which the player cannot control) is a player frustration that they cannot resolve.

Soul Sparks are gained in various ways and can take a little while to accrue. Some of the ways that we can accrue them are:

* performing a critical hit
* gaining 1 spark for every enemy hit with Eldritch Blast
* gaining 1 spark for every dark spiral used

There are other ways. I mention these three specifically as this is dependant on the class mechanic "Hellfire Expertise" which has been replaced by Forte. This is a very detrimental change to the Hellbringer Warlock.

I note that power magnitudes have increased and, proportionally, so have their cooldowns. Hellfire Expertise also provided a 20% recharge speed increase. This has also disappered with Hellfire Expertise.

I'd suggest bringing Hellfire Expertise back for the Warlock.

I note that Soul Scorch is now a magnitude of 12 (up from 9) you need to update Double Scorch to also be 12. It's currently showing as 9 on Preview. I know things are subject to change, just highlighting it.

The magnitude of Vampiric Embrace has not been increased but the cooldown has increased 12.5s on preview (up from 11.1s), I think that the magnitude increase has been missed on this power.

It seems that on some occassions Tyrannical Curse is being cast but the curse is not actually being applied to the target. I can't seem to replicate it though, not sure if this is a bug currently on Live or as a result of the changes; I suspect the former.


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