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What will become of all the companion influence items?

autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User
With the new changes coming to companions I am wondering....

What will become of all the companion influence enchants? (Dark, Brutal)

I’ve spent a stoopid amount of money to get Rank 15 Darks on my toons? Am I just screwed now?

What will become of Charisma Stat bonus?

Boon Companion Influence bonus?

Artifact Modification Companion Influence Bonus?
Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts


  • arazith07arazith07 Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,719 Arc User
    Just like recovery and lifesteal in the past, it will be converted to some other stat...they haven't figured that out yet though.

    "Companion Influence will be swapped to another stat. The reason every single detail isn't in this post is that the work is currently ongoing. We're hoping to be able to have it ready for preview in a few weeks and will have all of the details ready for that time as well. Since that preview will be after the Black Friday timeframe we wanted to give the heads up on Bonding Runestones now so everyone had that info."-Noworries
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator
    edited November 2020

    Probably you lost money, its normal here.

    Well, losing investment value over time in a game isn't anything exclusive to a particular game. Basically any game that puts out content updates would have that issue.

    As a player (with R15 Darks on all utility slots) though, I don't expect this to be ignored. They'd most likely allow them to be exchanged like before. As for the stat itself, no clue on what would be a suitable replacement, nothing seems good enough.
    Post edited by frozenfirevr on
  • kharkov58kharkov58 Member Posts: 669 Arc User
    Companion influence will be changed to the stat that is least wanted in the game.
  • kungskabb#9290 kungskabb Member Posts: 61 Arc User
    I used to spend money but stopped after mod 16 literally gave me the finger. Since then I haven't spent a dime, and will not until I'm certain they won't screw me again.
  • frozenfirevrfrozenfirevr Member, Neverwinter Moderator, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,475 Community Moderator

    Probably you lost money, its normal here.

    Well, losing investment value over time in a game isn't anything exclusive to a particular game. Basically any game that puts out content updates would have that issue.

    As a player (with R15 Darks on all utility slots) though, I don't expect this to be ignored. They'd most likely allow them to be exchanged like before. As for the stat itself, no clue on what would be a suitable replacement, nothing seems good enough.
    I can think of some stats that were good enough. Crit severity, outgoing healing, incoming damage reduction...
    Those aren't utility stats >.>

    I don't remember if +Movement was removed completely, but that might be decent (IIRC Darks used to have +Movement back in the day)
  • greywyndgreywynd Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 7,174 Arc User
    Like Lifesteal, Movement is in limited supply.
    I'm not looking for forgiveness, and I'm way past asking permission. Earth just lost her best defender, so we're here to fight. And if you want to stand in our way, we'll fight you too.
  • tgwolftgwolf Member Posts: 501 Arc User
    This is exactly why in the nearly 8 years that I've been playing this game and the 200 or so end-game geared characters I've had; that I've only spent around $10-15 total on it.

    You never spend more than you are willing to completely lose on a game.
  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    Probably you lost money, its normal here.

    Well, losing investment value over time in a game isn't anything exclusive to a particular game. Basically any game that puts out content updates would have that issue.

    As a player (with R15 Darks on all utility slots) though, I don't expect this to be ignored. They'd most likely allow them to be exchanged like before. As for the stat itself, no clue on what would be a suitable replacement, nothing seems good enough.
    This should be a natural process as the time goes by, not a forced one like this situation. And I expect the same thing once mod 20 will drop with any new rank that they will introduce. Why I would ever play a game that changes constantly economicaly wise and everything goes obsolete very quick without giving me the chance to enjoy my "progress"? That`s the problem with their decissions and thats why most people troll them and choose not to trust their decissions anymore. The lack of communications, the lack of passion when they develop systems player friendly. At least those are my toughts after 7 years.

    I don't have a problem with things going obsolete you sort of have to expect that in a MMO. What I have a problem with is going backwards.

    For example, if a new MOD drops and my end level toons can barely complete in the new material because I have to grind out the new gear/materials in that mod which is now BiS then fine. Because I haven't lost anything I just need to work to catch up with the new gear/materials.

    However, if after the change my end level characters take such a hit in stats that the material I do now with relative ease becomes hard or even impossible without investing more time and money into the game, that is moving backwards. That's simply unfair and them giving us the finger. And that's people who have end level toons. The bulk of NW isn't like that. If you are a person running a toon and just now are able to play stuff like Avernus and you get sent backwards and can't play it any more through no fault of your own, I don't see one reason why they would want to stay with NW. It's very discouraging.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • samerikersameriker Member Posts: 169 Arc User

    Probably you lost money, its normal here.

    Well, losing investment value over time in a game isn't anything exclusive to a particular game. Basically any game that puts out content updates would have that issue.

    As a player (with R15 Darks on all utility slots) though, I don't expect this to be ignored. They'd most likely allow them to be exchanged like before. As for the stat itself, no clue on what would be a suitable replacement, nothing seems good enough.
    This should be a natural process as the time goes by, not a forced one like this situation. And I expect the same thing once mod 20 will drop with any new rank that they will introduce. Why I would ever play a game that changes constantly economicaly wise and everything goes obsolete very quick without giving me the chance to enjoy my "progress"? That`s the problem with their decissions and thats why most people troll them and choose not to trust their decissions anymore. The lack of communications, the lack of passion when they develop systems player friendly. At least those are my toughts after 7 years.

    I don't have a problem with things going obsolete you sort of have to expect that in a MMO. What I have a problem with is going backwards.

    For example, if a new MOD drops and my end level toons can barely complete in the new material because I have to grind out the new gear/materials in that mod which is now BiS then fine. Because I haven't lost anything I just need to work to catch up with the new gear/materials.

    However, if after the change my end level characters take such a hit in stats that the material I do now with relative ease becomes hard or even impossible without investing more time and money into the game, that is moving backwards. That's simply unfair and them giving us the finger. And that's people who have end level toons. The bulk of NW isn't like that. If you are a person running a toon and just now are able to play stuff like Avernus and you get sent backwards and can't play it any more through no fault of your own, I don't see one reason why they would want to stay with NW. It's very discouraging.
    As I stated, on the forums earlier, when @noworries#8859 first announced this change, I am very happy he did. I pay cash for my zen and I don't use AD for zen, for me, the announcement saves us from a world of hurt. However the changes of trading my bondings that I was forced to use back on mod 16, doesn't set well with me either. Prior to mod 16, I didn't use bondings at all. Overnight bonding runestones became king and you have to have the best. A friend in the guild told me to run without them, but I suck without them.

    I really hope the yet to be seen companion boosts put me back to square one. No offense to Jared Sears handle, but I do worry that I will come back here in the Spring to find my companion does 3 times the damage I am doing and my characters all do 30 to 40 percent less than before. I realize this change will happen with or without our opinions, but it is also a work in progress. I hope the people on preview will garner the attention they need for developers to make appropriate adjustments. I play here very casual, I normally spend a lump of cash on the winter and summer sales. I will either skip winter or go lite on spending, and see you after the changes take hold.
    Fame is a vapor, popularity an accident; the only earthly certainty is oblivion. ~ Mark Twain
  • darthpotaterdarthpotater Member, NW M9 Playtest Posts: 1,262 Arc User
    edited November 2020
    I think we should think as if we were the developers:

    Imagine we have to change companion system and bondings because is giving us programming problems to balance companions, scaling, and we want to make all the companions desirable, not only augments, So bondings need to go, thats 100% sure. Also we want to give players another toy to spend money / resources

    So how we can do it? I think we can revamp the entire system to address other problems too.
    1. We will compensate players that have bondings with AD to buy something else. CHECK
    2. We will revamp companion types for each class to balance tanks with other classes. 2 universal, 1 def, 1 offensive, 1 utility for every class. CHECK
    3. We will remove companion influence. We need to give something similar to items that have CI like dark enchants and dominance insignias. NOT CHECK
    4. We can make the system a long therm goal, with companions upgradable to mythic and not nerfing the actual tiers of companions. So if players want to spend more resources they will be more powerfull. NOT CHECK
    So I think the change can be a very good for the game, BUT ONLY IF WE DONT LOSE STATS / PERFORMANCE with the change, even if we can be more powerfull investing more resources.

    So we will see what they do with points 3 and 4
    Lescar PvE Wizard - Sir Garlic PvE Paladin
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  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    At this point just start over. Redesign the game with a better engine and code.

    I don't have any insider info BUT I generally get the sense that they plan on riding out NW as long as they can without any more major investments and are waiting for Magic to become their flagship fantasy game. If you watch the game footage on youtube some of what you see was in NW before mod16. They don't want NW to outshine the new guy in town.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • mistsenseimistsensei Member Posts: 30 Arc User
    edited November 2020

    I don't have any insider info BUT I generally get the sense that they plan on riding out NW as long as they can without any more major investments and are waiting for Magic to become their flagship fantasy game. If you watch the game footage on youtube some of what you see was in NW before mod16. They don't want NW to outshine the new guy in town.

    Disclaimer: This is my knowledge from a few months ago since I almost forgot this game existed so it might be different atm but this is what I saw with it.

    Well Magic Legends is an Arpg and had a pretty bad reception. After the trailer which was only cinematic and garnered some attention all the gameplay or Q&A videos on it gathered less and less attention finally reaching something like barely 2k views. Everyone was disappointed to say the least and the game had a very bad reception in general.
    Then people just went their way and stopped paying any attention to it. This game seems like a sunken ship before it has even released but who knows.

    If they really are thinking to throw more attention to this game rather than NW I believe they 're in for a surprise.
  • gromovnipljesak#8234 gromovnipljesak Member Posts: 1,053 Arc User
    I expect to see dominance insignia swaps too. That's 500k+ a pop for me. That's well over 5 million AD.
  • autumnwitchautumnwitch Member Posts: 1,141 Arc User

    I expect to see dominance insignia swaps too. That's 500k+ a pop for me. That's well over 5 million AD.

    I honestly wonder even if they took this into consideration when they did what they did. One thing I have noticed from the devs here is they have no flow process at all.

    For example, they will often release a new whatever to use in Guild Hall decorations with a new lock box or mod. However, that's all they do. They don't think to address anything this might actually need doing other than the actual item. Like, creating a inventory spot for it in Guild Decorators inventory GUI which without makes the new item completely useless and take up normal inventory spot while you hope for months/years at a time they will fix the issue.

    Every single item / process in the game should have a chart with it detailing everything it touches. So, if you remove "companion influence" from the game there should be a list associated with "companion influence" related items and all these items should be fixed/addressed before changes go into affect.

    We shall see.
    Boudica's Sisters - A Guild For Introverts
  • ultramath#3953 ultramath Member Posts: 143 Arc User
    WRT: "Things going backwards, rather then me needing to catch up to the new content"....

    I can offer this illustrative scene, which unfolded at the dragon in Ebon Downs this afternoon.

    There we were, perhaps 10 or so players waiting for the beast to spawn. Several 80s and a bunch of lowbies, and the high levels were discussing in chat how to NOT kill the dragon to fast so everyone there could get a hit in for credit for fighting it. It was agreed to only use at will powers by the assembly.

    When the dragon spawned, it died in about 2 seconds. Most of the people didn't get a hit in after waiting like 10 mins for the dragon to appear. After we had so carefully planned how to most delicately tap the dragon with our weapons so as to not upset it too much, it still went and died on us catastrophically fast.

    A case can be made that perhaps a "step back" for maxxed-out players in certain content might be a great idea. We shouldn't have to coordinate how to do the gentlest version of shiatsu massage to the supposedly most fearsome creatures in all of Faerun.
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