I got a suggestion, after improve your main character you got a lot of items that are obsolete for the end game. you spent a lot of time and resources on those items, and they are character bound, for example rings and artifacts. An option is to do them account bound to be able to pass them to a non well equiped alt. Maybe paying the conversion from character bound to account bound with gold, refinement points or even RADs.
A high percentage of players got a dps for main and a healer or tank as alt. Maybe this can be a good way to make that more high level healers and tanks are avaiable to do harder content, because is so difficult sometimes to fill a qeue.
Probably i am not the first in suggest this method, but i think now, that the healers and tanks population are so low, is the perfect moment to implement something like this.
Thanks, and have a good day.
We had a weapons salvage wizard who offered us rough AD for old purple weapons. They removed it and made all the items convert into refinement or silver. @greywynd 's suggestion works, unless you belong to guild who has filled the coffer to capacity. Until they change things, we just sell it or process it into refinement.
Have fun!