Drops such as Jarl's Gaze, Shard of Permafrost(FBI), Survivor Wraps(Demo). Are content specific drops not part of premium rewards. Rarity (Common,Uncommon , etc.) Valuables/Companions/Mounts (ex. Owlbear Cub, Trade Bars, mount token ect) Location Dropped Amount given (1x, 2x, 10,000x) Images of drops either in the comments or discord
*Any amounts marked like 1x 200x 5,000x or the rarity for mounts n' comps can be clicked to show confirmation~ Looted itemsValuable's The most common reward pool you'll earn from an end chest. High Rate: 2x, 5x Tarmalune Trade Bars 1xPreservation Ward(AB) 1xScroll of Life(AB) 1xGenie's Gift(UB) 1xScroll of Mass Life(AB) Mid Rate: 1x Greater Stone of Health(UB) 5,000xAstral Diamond 2x Scroll of Mass Life(AB) Low Rate: 10x, 25x Tarmalune Trade Bars 20,000x, 50,000x Astral Diamond 1x Coal Ward(AB) Runic Bag of Holding (UB) Bugged, yet dropping: 10x Mount Tokens __x Companion Tokens (Haven't see em drop, see bug section) Mounts(Unbound)
Skeleton Steed - Account (Legendary) - Master of the Hunt, Malabog (Hardcore), LoMM Armored Bulette - Account (Legendary) - LoMM, ToMM, CN Emperor Beetle - Account (Legendary) - IC, LoMM, CoDG Tenser's Floating Disk - Account (Legendary) - ToNG, LoL Swift Golden Lion - Account (Legendary) - ZCM, CN, LoMM, FBI Armored Axe Beak - Account (Legendary) - CR, ToMM Black Owlbear (Epic) (UB) - IC
Companion tokens and mount tokens suffer the issue that companion tokens suffered in the old loot system not showing up in the chest looting screen. (A player won't know they gained em unless they look at they're mount/comp token amount~) Feedback
The 2x and 5x Tarmalune Trade Bars should be made more common if they're a reward due to it being skipped majority of the time if it does pop up since 2x n' 5x isn't much at all, while 10x, 25x should stay as a rare drop. All High Rate drops should be made to be a bit more common since all players wouldn't mind getting a preservation ward/scrolls/trade bars for running a dungeon, wouldn't cause a major issue due to them being account bound, only exception to this rule would be the Genie gift which the rate for them seem to be fine. Mounts/Companions(Non-legendary) definitely need a drop rate increase, but not as much as they were in the previous loot system. Though even that isn't the only issue with em, currently at least to our knowledge all companions and mounts from the premium pool are all together n' not dungeon specific causing a large rng on which comp/mount you'd get, splitting them into sub pools per dungeon/skirmish/trails and the harder dungeons having higher quality versions would give collections and farmers a reason to run certain content for said mount/companions. Mount/Companion Tokens Other than the visual bug we've always had being fixed giving them a bit more common 5x drop and maybe a more rare 25x drop would be appreciated. Reroll Tokens really need some actual source to acquire them from, personally wouldn't mind reroll tokens replacing refinement in lockboxes, since it's typically useless for a large amount of players due to how many other sources provide it on top of lockboxes. Removing it from the reward pool for reroll tokens instead will slowly bring value back to rp and provide reroll tokens an actual source.
Companions Watler (Rare) Additional info: I've got it from Demogorgon while doing the RTQ
Mounts Black Ice Warhorse - Account (Legendary) EDIT: I got this wrong, it was actually Skeleton Steed - Account from Malabog Additional Info: One friend got it from Hardcore Malabog's Castle, while doing Zariel weeklies
kalina311Member, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 2,082Arc User
edited September 2020
50 reroll attempts various dungeons /trials etc .. and all I got one lousy scroll of "get a life" i think the game is trying to tell me something lol
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,507Arc User
edited September 2020
If you can add bound condition, it will help a lot. Thanks.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Important: Account Legendary mounts apparently are dungeon specific. I don't know if that's 100% confirmed yet, but maybe it's a good idea to point out the sources where they dropped for reference.
Black Ice warhorse Skeleton Steed - As I said, Malabog's Castle Emperor Beetle - LoMM, apparently, Skeleton Steed - ????
Companions Watler (Rare) Additional info: I've got it from Demogorgon while doing the RTQ
Mounts Black Ice Warhorse - Account (Legendary) EDIT: I got this wrong, it was actually Skeleton Steed - Account from Malabog Additional Info: One friend got it from Hardcore Malabog's Castle, while doing Zariel weeklies
Just posting to notify this correction I made. No signs of the Black Ice Warhorse yet. Sorry for the false alert.
Yesterday I ran several Demogorgon Trials (mostly to dispose of those keys) I used reroll tokens and nothing special dropped.
Today I shifted gears, started Skirmish, and picked the Master of the Hunt. First try Nicholas received 2x Scroll of Mass Life(AB) from the normal chest. I didn't bother to open the other chest, as it would require the use of a Legendary Dragon Key, the majority of the time these chests give out 1,500 rough AD at most.
From my perspective, this seems to have better odds in Skirmish?
plasticbatMember, NW M9 PlaytestPosts: 12,507Arc User
edited September 2020
-- nevermind, I don't want to de-rail the topic ---.
*** The game can read your mind. If you want it, you won't get it. If you don't expect to get it, you will. ***
"If if that was the case, if it was something then I probably was chasing. I would have never gotten it. That was the whole point, if you chase something, then sometimes you never get it. uh huh if you put forth to work and all the attitude, next you know it's bestowed upon you." -- Michael Jordan
Yesterday I ran several Demogorgon Trials (mostly to dispose of those keys) I used reroll tokens and nothing special dropped.
Today I shifted gears, started Skirmish, and picked the Master of the Hunt. First try Nicholas received 2x Scroll of Mass Life(AB) from the normal chest. I didn't bother to open the other chest, as it would require the use of a Legendary Dragon Key, the majority of the time these chests give out 1,500 rough AD at most.
From my perspective, this seems to have better odds in Skirmish?
The older the content the more you'll likely receive nothing, but still have a chance at everything~ If you run things like IC/LoMM usually if your opening both chests n' using rerolls you'll get something most of the time from all the content I've been running recently.
I have screens of my 20 chests in LoMM and there was nothing inside (only currency, blackened jaw eq etc), one time maybe I saw 2 trade bars but rerolled. So it's a gable.
Here's a list from some though out my Discord, who have taken screenshots of their drops. This is what we've found
Scroll Of Mass Life - Master Spellplague x1 Preservation Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage 25 Trade Bars - Infernal Citadel 25 Trade Bars - Tower Of The Mad Mage 10 Trade Bars - HC Malabog's Castle 5k Refine Astral Diamonds - Infernal Citadel Genies Gift - Master Of The Hunt
Coalescent Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage
Swift Golden Lion - Zariel's Challenge Tenser's Disk - Lair Of Lostmauth Armored Axe Beak - Castle Ravenloft Epic Sergent Knox - Valindra's Tower
Here's to hoping to get more specific on actual loot drop tables. Praying for specific mounts dropping from specific dungeons, ie; Swarm = Ravenloft , Dino = Chult Content
Nova - Thaumaturge Wizard Bardtholomew - Minstrel Bard Mariah Carries - Devout Cleric Darth Bane - Thaumaturge Wizard on Xbox
> @novaiidbzii#7952 said: > Here's a list from some though out my Discord, who have taken screenshots of their drops. > This is what we've found > > Scroll Of Mass Life - Master Spellplague > x1 Preservation Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage > 25 Trade Bars - Infernal Citadel > 25 Trade Bars - Tower Of The Mad Mage > 10 Trade Bars - HC Malabog's Castle > 5k Refine Astral Diamonds - Infernal Citadel > Genies Gift - Master Of The Hunt > > Coalescent Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage > > Swift Golden Lion - Zariel's Challenge > Tenser's Disk - Lair Of Lostmauth > Armored Axe Beak - Castle Ravenloft > Epic Sergent Knox - Valindra's Tower > > Here's to hoping to get more specific on actual loot drop tables. > Praying for specific mounts dropping from specific dungeons, ie; Swarm = Ravenloft , Dino = Chult Content
Likely none of the drops are dungeon based at least highly doubtful.
Though if they make changes in the future I would like the Companions/Mounts/Artifacts(Artifacts might have been cut it seems) moved to specific dungeon premium drops instead of the large pool, and increase the chance for these a bit seem quite low atm. While with the prior system it was a bit high in certain content~
As for the legendary I dunno if designating the most premium reward to a single piece of content said mounts from is a good idea, would get stale~
Guild leader got 50k AD, don't recall the dungeon for sure but I think it was LoMM, will find out for certain, he also got 5k AD, also lower level content. I have received 3 and 5 tradebars, 3 times. One genie gift UB three times (CR, skirmishes) UB Shadow Wolf from ToNG. Two scrolls of life bound. One bound pres ward 5 times. I've been running mostly low-level content, everything except IC, ToMM and Zariel, probably about 150 runs? Rerolling all contents.
5,000 AD
Watler (Rare)
Additional info: I've got it from Demogorgon while doing the RTQ
Black Ice Warhorse - Account (Legendary)EDIT: I got this wrong, it was actually Skeleton Steed - Account from Malabog
Additional Info: One friend got it from Hardcore Malabog's Castle, while doing Zariel weeklies
Black Ice warhorseSkeleton Steed - As I said, Malabog's CastleEmperor Beetle - LoMM, apparently,
Skeleton Steed - ????
Guild Leader
Neverwinter SOLO Alliance
20.000 Refined Astral Diamonds
Additional info: A friend got this in one of the MSVA chests.
1 preservation ward - account bound - free
Castle Never
5k AD - Greater Demonic Chest
Jade - Cleric - Healer Main - The Freak Core - Xbone
Magnus - Fighter - Tank for queues - The Freak Core - Xbone
Loverboy - Ranger - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Nomnomnommm - Wizard - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
I Am The Wall - Paladin - Alt - Droppin Crits on Fools - Xbone
Xeros - Rogue - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
RIP bad name - Warlock - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Bardholomew - Bard - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Sirona - Cleric - Alt - 9 3/4 Unbuffed - Xbone
Jade - DC - Shadows of Gauntlgrym - PC
Swift Golden Lion - Account, from Zariel's Challenge (Master)
Iron Golem (uncommon) - unbound - LoMM
Coal ward - account bound - LoMM
Today I shifted gears, started Skirmish, and picked the Master of the Hunt. First try Nicholas received 2x Scroll of Mass Life(AB) from the normal chest. I didn't bother to open the other chest, as it would require the use of a Legendary Dragon Key, the majority of the time these chests give out 1,500 rough AD at most.
From my perspective, this seems to have better odds in Skirmish?
Cantankerous Mage (Uncommon) - unbound - LoMM
Owlbear Cub (Epic) - unbound - CR
guess the comp loot table hasnt really changed
This is what we've found
Scroll Of Mass Life - Master Spellplague
x1 Preservation Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage
25 Trade Bars - Infernal Citadel
25 Trade Bars - Tower Of The Mad Mage
10 Trade Bars - HC Malabog's Castle
5k Refine Astral Diamonds - Infernal Citadel
Genies Gift - Master Of The Hunt
Coalescent Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage
Swift Golden Lion - Zariel's Challenge
Tenser's Disk - Lair Of Lostmauth
Armored Axe Beak - Castle Ravenloft
Epic Sergent Knox - Valindra's Tower
Here's to hoping to get more specific on actual loot drop tables.
Praying for specific mounts dropping from specific dungeons, ie; Swarm = Ravenloft , Dino = Chult Content
Bardtholomew - Minstrel Bard
Mariah Carries - Devout Cleric
Darth Bane - Thaumaturge Wizard on Xbox
Discord ◆ Youtube ◆ Twitter ◆ Twitch
note: Gold Fish (green) still drops from Manycoins Bank as a normal drop
> Here's a list from some though out my Discord, who have taken screenshots of their drops.
> This is what we've found
> Scroll Of Mass Life - Master Spellplague
> x1 Preservation Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage
> 25 Trade Bars - Infernal Citadel
> 25 Trade Bars - Tower Of The Mad Mage
> 10 Trade Bars - HC Malabog's Castle
> 5k Refine Astral Diamonds - Infernal Citadel
> Genies Gift - Master Of The Hunt
> Coalescent Ward - Lair Of The Mad Mage
> Swift Golden Lion - Zariel's Challenge
> Tenser's Disk - Lair Of Lostmauth
> Armored Axe Beak - Castle Ravenloft
> Epic Sergent Knox - Valindra's Tower
> Here's to hoping to get more specific on actual loot drop tables.
> Praying for specific mounts dropping from specific dungeons, ie; Swarm = Ravenloft , Dino = Chult Content
Likely none of the drops are dungeon based at least highly doubtful.
Though if they make changes in the future I would like the Companions/Mounts/Artifacts(Artifacts might have been cut it seems) moved to specific dungeon premium drops instead of the large pool, and increase the chance for these a bit seem quite low atm. While with the prior system it was a bit high in certain content~
As for the legendary I dunno if designating the most premium reward to a single piece of content said mounts from is a good idea, would get stale~
I have received 3 and 5 tradebars, 3 times. One genie gift UB three times (CR, skirmishes) UB Shadow Wolf from ToNG. Two scrolls of life bound. One bound pres ward 5 times. I've been running mostly low-level content, everything except IC, ToMM and Zariel, probably about 150 runs? Rerolling all contents.
5x Companion Upgrade Tokens - Account - LoMM.
2x, 5x and 10x: seen multiple times on various different dungeons.
25x: seen once on Zariel's Challenge (Master)