Since now we have a separate tab for our mount skins I think it would be nice to have them account wide but just the skins. I am also looking forward to see if they will revamp the collection tab, having an account wide collection tab where I can find all the items and skins I've aquired in my journey and permanently have it here unlocked for whenever I want to use it again as appearance at a financial cost of course. After 6 years playing the game I realised that all my efforts made through campaigns were in vain since I've always had to give up on something. I play all classes and want to have them up to date every time, but getting all of these things over and over again it is painful. If the reason is to keep the player away from reaching the endgame content and aquire as many things in his collection in a fair amount of time but in the same time to keep himself up to date with all the changes, the reason will be a mistake in my opinion. Not only because we tend to get bored and move on if we worked hard on a class that no longer satisfy our play style, but if we want to try another class, we won't have the resources nor time to get back anything we had.
Another thing will be the achievement system that doesn't have any purpose in the game. It will be nice if these achievements will give some points unlocking new appearance items or interesting prizes.
Those things are not unique in terms of systems designs but in my opinion will bring alot of satisfaction for most of us.