With the dragonborn (and especially the metallic dragonborn) as playable races, Bahamut should be included among the choice selection of deities in the character creation process. To the game staff, please consider adding Bahamut to the list of deities in a future patch/update.
"Feras... Feras... Feras! Ferasans, HOOOOOO!"
I would also point out that adding dieties seems to be one of the easiest things to do precisely because all it is is a design for the diety's symbol, some info on the diety, and a title for players that choose that diety.
I would also like to see them add a quest that would allow players to change their diety, but that would be more work so first things first... Add a few more diety choices now (Bahamut, Mielikki, Ilmater, Lathander if, as I understand things, he is now considered to be his own diety again, separate from Amaunator, and so on), add a diety changing/selecting mission later.