Since mod 19 launch random queues have been rough to pug if LOMM, Cradle, or Castle Raveloft pop. 9 times out of 10 people will leave or want to be vote kicked, or if it lasts long enough - vote to abandon instance.
It's almost like you have to do pre-made groups to avoid this in case they pop. I prefer just being able to dive into queues like I used to and be able to complete, no matter what team you got. Now getting my daily 100k is a struggle if these pop up. Healing changes, coupled with scaling make these hard to complete without pre-made endgamers.
In LOMM I haven't made it past Arcturia since the new mod drop in PUG groups. People struggle with mimics, then there's golems everywhere. In Cradle, 1st phase is fine until Atropal, when there's bodies on the ground everywhere and not enough dps to complete.
In CR alot of people just don't know how to use the book so Sisters goes downhill. A lot of new players never learned the mechanics as that dungeon has been a problem for several mods. Unfortunately its become routine for people to be like, "Oh if CR pops just forget it, not gonna happen." Then signpost out, saying kick me kick me.
I know you guys are working on overall scaling changes, hopefully you're aware of this and take these dungeons/trial into account, as right now they are not fun.
REMOVE scaling from the game completely, we didn't ask for, and we don't want it.
Also give us back our daily epic dungeon chest key, or some other way(other than using AD) to get Legendary dragon keys. I've gotten MSVA 3 times in the last 2 days, and because the keys are too much effort to get, or they aren't unlocked on that toon I just tell everyone "I'm leaving and have a nice day", cuz I'm not wasting time on what is rarely a successful run anyhow when I have no keys...