The lack of confirmation pop ups in this game is a UX decision I will never understand. It has just cost me 500k AD in insignias bought from the auction house and support regrets to inform me there is nothing they can do.
I was rearranging my bag and (too) quickly went to the sort option in the drop down menu but the controller somehow skipped down and the (A) hit the convert insignia option instead of the sort bag option. It immediately started to gobble up my insignias and I was left to stare at the screen dumb founded. Worse yet, the process doesn't even tell you which insignias it gobbles up so when support asked me which items I lost, I looked at my video capture and could only tell the shape and quality, not type.
ANY mass action should have a confirmation pop up. This is just basic, in my opinion. Controllers are not the most reliable hardware to say the least. When repeatedly clicking through things, misclicking is likely to hapoen too. It's human and to be designed around.
I got so upset I have not played any content in several days and don't feel like fixing this toon's insignia anymore.
And before anyone responds with "why didn't you protect your insignias", let me just say that 1. the protection is actually still bugged in some scenarios and 2. I didn't think I needed to protect insignias (new feature) and 3. I move insignias between toons via mail and then they can't be protected.
Yeah I'll be more careful from now on.
![:( :(](
Awful user experience. Bad user interface design. Please fix.
Insignias have always been able to be protected, since protecting has been an option. My wife nor I have never had a problem with protecting anything or have them bug or glitch out, not sure what your talking about here. Also, why on earth would you use a buggy mail system to move anything you can easily place in the shared bank? Only certain items need to be mailed, insignias arent one of them.
I understand your frustration and dont take my comments wrong, but try slowing down, remaining sober, and be wide awake when playing this game... there isnt much room for error iij n most cases.
[The Legendary Outlaws] (Guildhall 20)
I don't click the joystick because it only sorts the bag I am in and I don't use one bag with everything but see each bag separately. So I use the sort option and I select the bags I want sorted. Most of the time, it's all of them but not always. I don't use my shared bank because most of the time it's full and when I move insignias, I move 10-15 of them, sometimes more. Why and how is my business.
When a controller gets buggy, it skips and it doesn't give you fair warning. It just does it. Was I tired and on auto-pilot? Sure. This game makes you do that because it is designed to exhaust you and make you repeat actions ad nauseum. This is a design decision.
Aside: I have designed more than a few UI interfaces in real life. I actually know a good deal about human interaction design. Just sayin.
As for " It takes 2 clicks to....No ways this just happens..." well...fact: I have a video showing how it happened. It's just a double A tap to disaster. And it did just happen, much as you don't want to believe it. I was, alas, sober and very much in shock as it happened. Bad UX. Hence my post.
I don't know why they can't give me back the insignias and subtract the dust. Doesn't matter. It's just a game. This is the feedback section. I gave my feedback. They can choose to act on it or not.
Any of my comments not posted in orange are based on my own personal opinion and not official.
Any messages written in orange are official moderation messages. Signature images are now fixed!
Let me try and put it a different way. The fact that you can take preemptive action to protect against a mishap does not mean the system should not have built in safeguards (especially when it is easy and cheap to code them). Wards now have the option to require them, right? Same logic applies here. In fact, in some cases, losing insignias would be more costly than losing a few enchanting stones.
Instead of taking the precautions in the game that are provided to prevent this, either by being ignorant or by being lazy or by simple refusal, you are demanding replacements for items you lost.
Just making sure I am understanding this right.
Personally, if I feel there is value to an item I mark it protected. Period. You can do what you want with your game, play how you want... within the terms of service of course. Accidents happen. Man/woman up and deal with it instead of demanding free stuff for your own mistake.
* create a secondary window for insignia conversion (like the one for converting gems).
* add a new function - BAG PROTECTION
Bag protection would protect everything in a bag. For players that do a lot of transferring, or for players that just prefer to play with total protection except for one incoming bag of stuff... this option would save loads of time and headeache.