I understand you guys are running out of options on content to create but two things off the bat first of all those people that were creating Star Trek and creating the little areas and stuff in there you should not have had them team up to create content for Neverwinter stuff they create is too bland I mean come on with 50 shades of brown really another big thing why even spend money on legendary mounts when they get caught up on everything and slowest down kind of pointless the car the biggest one of all what the heck where you thinking I mean really a knock off of Star Wars get out of here with that junk and then the pinatas understand you're getting rid of that option of being able to farm like that which yeah it's made a lot of people rich which wasn't in the right but taking them out of the game honestly and not having a place to go purchase them at a vendor that is not in the event it's kind of asinine that was a much-needed item that was used by everybody not just a little bit of people here everybody use those because of the content you guys are trying to create to make people spend more money in the game
I tried reading this, but gave up real quick. If I have to decode something on a message board before reading it, I'm not likely to bother.
Make it readable and I'll give it a go, (and probably agree with adinosii if you are bitching about "cars in Neverwinter).